ASD non Verbal Cathy Parr Because

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So I saw a fan fic of non Verbal,  autistic Cathy Parr and I absolutely love it, obviously I do not have autism. I do have adhd not the same but some same symptoms and yes I have done my research and might ask my girlfriend about autism Because she is autistic and I love her to bits<3
Ocd joan
Dysprixia Maggie (can't spell)
Dyslexix jane
Adhd anne
Autistic Cathy

Ever since the queen's came back they're has been some changes.
Something that weren't known back in their time, the disorders.

But now, everything made sense and especially for 1 Queen.

Cathy Parr, ever since she has been back, she has not talked once, they have never her voice,
obviously they never forced her but were confused on to why she never talked.

Until the day she was diagnosed.

"so?" Anne said as Catherine and Cathy came through the door as they were at the doctors, "well we have our answer don't we Cathy?" Catherine smiled towards Cathy who smiled, nodded and lightly shoke her hands.
"Cathy has autism, and she is non Verbal" Catherine says as Cathy looked towards the others, the ladys in waiting had came over because they wanted to know what's been happening,
Cathy got nervous as no one answered, she started fidgeting and lightly rocked herself in place, everyone noticed.
"well that explains a lot doesn't it?" Jane got up laughing a little walking towards Cathy and giving her a hug. Cathy hugged back and sighed in relief.
"what part of the spectrum is she on? I heard there's high functioning and low, Im not sure that high functioning is a nice way to put it but yeah?" kitty asked as Cathy, Catherine and Jane walked into the living room,
"low, the official diagnosis is aspergers" catherine said smiling beside her to Cathy who beamed back,

All Cathy was thinking right now was now she knows, now she knows why she's like this, she isn't weird, but unique And she's glad she found out.

"I'm guessing your glad you've found out?" Anna asked, her question directed at Cathy. Cathy nodded and lightly shock her hands.
They all smiled at Cathy, yes she struggles with some thing but obviously they help as much as they can.

"well I guess we have to now research ASD now huh?" Anne asked looking at everybody, they all nodded.


Cathy always hated loud places like buses, trains and the theater.
While yes she wanted her story said, her song she hates it, its like she's saying she loves Thomas but she doesn't, she never will. He caused her pain but the manger has more power over their songs then themselves.
So when they meet the others maiya, amiee and others. Maiya was more then happy to help her and tell some of her story, she seriously thanked maiya. Maybe not verbally but she didn't need to, her actions spoke louder then her words.

But today was different, they were on the way to the theatre and they had to take the bus as the lady's in waiting went earlier, by the mangers word.
She hated this, she had no idea where her noise canceling headphones were and only had her fidget cube, roughly pushing the buttons, just trying to calm herself,
She started to rock herself back and forth. They started noticing as she started getting worse. Everything was way too much,
Everything was overwhelming and she couldn't take it anymore. She broke.
She started to cry, maybe not out loud but they could tell,
"hey hey, it's okay focus on my voice" kitty whispered to her, she couldnt,
She started to grip her head and started to hit her head. They didn't know how to deal with Cathy's sensory overloads but there were gunna have to learn.

Anne hit the emergency stop bell, she knew that they needed to get Cathy off this bus.

Eventually they got her off and round to a corner where she broke down. She just cried, hitting her head trying to ground herself, struggling and she couldn't think at the moment, everything couldn-
"hey your okay, breathe" catherine lightly grabbed her hands and held them on her chest.
Her heart beat
Cathy was trying her hardest to focus on Catherine's heart beat and they obviously stayed quiet.

Cath lightly pulled away her hand and moved her hair from her face where Catherine was in front of her and the queen's were blocking the sun and anyone from seeing her.

She looked towards cath, she was sent a small smile from her.
She sent one back but wasn't the best, mostlu because she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep .
She hadn't realized her headphones were on.
"is she alright?" Jane quietly called towards cath as she hadn't heard anything, Jane turned around and saw Cathy.
"hi, do u wanna go home in guessing?" Cathy thought for a second, she didn't wanna ruin the show today, but she didn't want anyone to leave her, well at least have someone.
"you don't have a choice their BTW, we're staying with you today okay?" Jane said smiling as cath helped her up, only slightly touching her, not enough for her to notice but enough to help.

They went home, called the manger and didn't care what he said and got the lady's in waiting to post about the hsow cancelled becuqse of something that happened, not saying dor personal reasons.

Right now Cathy was cuddled up on the sofa, in the middle of Anne and Catherine, with Catherine sorta scratching her head, they call thought that before being catherine parr, married to Thomas Seymour. Any of that, she was a cat, that's what they thought and the thought made Cathy laugh.

"you feeling better?" Anna asked Cathy, while Cathy started sipping her hot chocolate, she had an ipad with words, Phrases and sentences to help incase they couldn't figure out what she wanted.
She tapped the button that said
"it was a lot but I'll be okay"
Anna smiled and nodded,


She had told pieple she was autistic,
Obviously people had questions and she gave them answers the best she could.
They were live with everyone and she Wass getting asked questions.
Kitty looked at the comments on the computer, mostly cause they were easier to read and she could stop it at any time to read them.
"have yous ever heard Cathy's voice?"
Cathy looked down and shoke her head, feeling a bit quilty even tho her brain won't make words come out of her mouth.
"we never force her and we never will,
When yes we'd like to hear her talk. Obviously we would hate to make her uncomfortable or anything like and we love her the way she is!" kitty smiled as she answered the questions.

They all kept answering questions. They helped answer the ones she couldn't
Until one popped up
" why would u love some one who's re**rded"
Cathy shrunk into herself, she hated when people called her that, that word is usually used against stupid people. She knows she's not stupid.
"we love her because it does not matter what she has or what disorder she has, we still love her because she desevers some love and we always will love her and she'll never be that word so, piss off!" catherine told them while she was behind the sofa with her hands on Cathy's shoulders, the stroked her hair , lightly pulling her back and kissing her forehead.
Cathy smiled and lightly flapped her hands,

They all loved with Cathy stimmed because it shows they're doing something right.

Kitty decides to end the stream and let Cathy do what she wants and she wants to read so she does.

Cathy now realized that her family really does love her. They won't leave her, they won't hurt her, she won't be hurt anymore.

She loves it here,
Her godmother who she loves oh so much and has helped so much and she has made a motherly-daughter bond with and she couldnt be happier.

The joker, Anne who she knows can be a lot but still loves her to death and could always make her laugh.

Jane, the person who's always prepared with mac and cheese for her, she's always there when someone isn't feeling well and is just an amisng person.

Anna who is so fun, yes a lot as well but knows when to help and when to be goofy, always able to make her laugh and knows what makes her happy.

And kitty, the girl that is such a joy to be around, she helps Cathy with communicating with the others because somehow she nearly always knows and is fun to be around.

Her family .

This is where she belong and where she will stay. Forever.

Here ya go, no one requested this but I hoesntly thought this was cute, if anything is offence or stereotypical, please tell me but I'm proud of this.

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