We love you , got it?

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Kitty and Cathy were laying in the living room ,watching some random show Anne had put on to either distract them or just to show them, frankly they didn't know which and wouldn't want to know
Anne came down and slide round the corner "guys!"she shouted , Catalina looked to her and shushed her "we can hear you!" Anne looked away sheepishly "sorry , anyways I was wondering if we can go out?im bored"
Anna come round from the kitchen,looking at Anne " when are you not bored?"laughing as she came down and sat beside Jane , Anne did an 'offended ' look "I am not!-" .... "- okay maybe I am but anyways!"
They discussed when they could go ,Cathy really didn't want to go anywhere , they already woke up overwhelmed and have been trying to avoid a sensory overload ever since , maybe today was just a bad day for them .

Eventually Anne decided she wanted to go to the park that nearly no one visits, only because she wanted to get some energy out and really needed to, Cathy was in their room getting dressed into something a bit more comfortable,having not said a word all morning , kitty walked in and immediately plopped herself on their bed as they were walking back in "hii~" she got up and hugged Cathy ,she nuzzled her face into Cathy's head as she felt the Wray their arms around her and kitty would explain that Cathy was trying to get closer ,most likely for pressure .
Kitty pulled back slightly and looked down at Cathy "you okay?" Not making eye contact as she knows they hate it , Cathy kinda just nodded and put her face back to kitty neck ,one of the 3 people who are allow near kitty's neck , the other one being Anne and Jane ,for obvious reasons .

"Come on!!" They heard Anne shout from downstairs , kitty pulled Cathy away and dragged both of them out while giving them a Small smile ,which Cathy gave a small smile back ,not much else as masking was exhausting .

As they got walking to the park Anne was annoying the shit outta Catalina and Anna was joining in on annoying her , Jane and kitty were talking and Cathy was quietly walking beside kitty ,
When they got there, anne2 and kitty immediately just walking off while Jane , Catalina and Cathy went towards a a bench , while Catalina and Jane sat on the bench , Cathy sat on the ground , they didn't ask why and just let Cathy do their thing in peace .
After 10 minutes ,while anne was using her energy,kitty and Anna were fucking around , Cathy was just getting more agitated by the second ,constantly stimming but nothing seemed to work, Catalina and Jane seemed to notice this so Lina got down beside them "hey you okay?" She asked quietly, Cathy quickly tapped on her knee twice , their sign for no.
Jane at one point had went and got kitty while lona was talking to Cathy , but Cathy was mid meltdown so not much was getting through , at one point Lina had to gently grab Cathy's hands to stop them from hitting their head,triggering them to hitting their legs instead of their head.
"Babe?" Kitty sat down in front of Cathy and lightly placed their hands around the back of their head , which made them fall towards kitty , kitty has dealt with their meltdowns and knows that Cathy needs pressure ,so she pulls Cathy into her lap and wraps her arms around them in a tight hug.

They ended up waiting for Cathy to calm down enough so they could go home and when they got home ,Cathy immediately just went for their room . Lina looked to their room and then looked at kitty "go and see if they're okay" kitty could see the worry ,nodded and went up towards Cathy's room.
Kitty stood in front of their door ,then rapped the door "Cathy?darling can I come in?" She said , the door then began to open and they pan she could see Cathy , they moved out of the way to let kitty in .

Kitty went and sat on the bed ,gesturing for Cathy to come and lie down , which they did .
"I'm sorry" a quiet voice said out of no where, kitty was stunned for a second 'why are they sorry ? For having a meltdown?' Kitty looked down and immediately just started talking "you shouldn't be sorry love"she said hoping that would help even slightly , it didn't . Cathy started again "I know but I do , I feel like I ruin things ,feel like a burden!" They said ,whispering the last part, as tears begin welling in their eyes , kitty wrapped them up ,again applying pressure "no, you never do and I hate that you think that! You'll never be a burden to any of us , we love you and you know I love you and frankly if you didn't I'm concerned " she joked the last bit which got smile from Cathy ,they didn't say anything but they didn't need to , no of them needed to , they just sat in comfortable silence,holding each other .

Kitty needed Cathy to know that they weren't a burden ,but they both know they'd never stop for each other ,mostly because they were both as stubborn as you get .

Later when Jane went up to check on them , she found them both fast asleep ,Cathy laying on top of kitty and kitty's arms wrapped around them ,Jane smiled, quietly walked in and pulled to cover over them and then walked towards the door ,having one last glance at the 2 before shutting the door and walking back downstairs towards the others .
"So how are they?" Anna asked as Jane walked back into the living room , Jane went and sat down beside Anna "they're fine , both fast asleep "  Anne looked a sarcastic surprised look "Cathy's asleep?" Catalina immediately shushed her by putting her hand around her head, covering her mouth and pulling Anne towards her "I'm glad they're okay"

While the others were talking downstairs and Anne purposely trying to annoy Lina out of love , the cat and kit were both asleep ,knowing they had each other and the others .

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