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Okay, so here Jane and catherine are together, they live together, no ones reincarnated, kitty and Anna are together and Anne is there kid.
Cathy with come in later. 👀But Anne kitty and Anna aren't in this

Catherines pov

I was out walking the dog, lola and we decided to go near the beach, today I didn't want her going near it because I didn't want her getting all wet and sandy. It's a pain to get her dry or give her bath,
She strays tugging on the leash more.
I pull back lightly, "hey girl, don't do that alright?" she barks back but continues to tug, she's not trying to drag om off onto the beach. Suddenly her leash breaks at the bit attached to her end bit,
"LOLA!" I shout, she bolts off.

she got off the leash and has bolted towards the beach, 'great' I think
"lola!" I shout and I hear a bark to my right,
I run over there to find lola but she's looking at a tree.
I look to were that tree was to see a shadow. 'what the hell? " I climb up the small' hill' to see a small, tiny person, 'a CHILD?"
I see it's starting to rain,
I bend down to see its a girl, maybe around the age of 4 or 5.
"hey Little one? What are u doing out here" I softly say getting on my knees so she hopefully doesn't feel threatened,
She shivering as she looks up at me.
"my momma left me, saying she doesn't l-like me" she starts getting tears in her eyes,
I sigh and go to touch her, she moves away,
"hey, I'm just gonna take u somewhere safe, maybe trying contacting your parents. Get you some food and warm clothes? How about that" she looks up hopeful and nods,
I gently pick her up and put her on my hip, the dog walks beside me,

I walk through the door. I put the small girl down so I could open the dog,
"hey babe!" Jane yells from the kitchen, I feel the small girl go closer behind my leg,
Jane walks in and sees my worried face and gets worried,
Suddenly she hears s small sneeze,
"I found this little one under a tree near the beach, said her mum abandoned her there, saying she didn't like her" Jane's faces softened she walks towards me. I close the door. The small girl staying really close, Jane bends down to her level
"hey Little one, what's your name, I'm Jane" she looks towards the smaller girl and she walks slowly towards Jane,
She replays quite quiet "my names Catherine. Or cathy" she gives a small wave and a smile,
"how about we get u outta these wet clothes and into a warm jumper and get some hot chocolate, yeah?" Cathy's eyes light up and nods,
She does grabby hands to Jane, she immediately gives in and picks her up,
I mouth 'Ill make some hot chocolate' I walk towards the kitchen and starting making it.

No ones point of view.

Jane came down with a small Cathy on her hip in one of her jumpers, was quite big since she was only 4.
Jane sets her down on the sofa as catherine comes in with hot chocolate
"awe" she says setting down the hot chocolate,  Cathy gently takes her and says thanks,
*sneeze* "I'm sorry" she says, Jane and catherine look towards her in confusion. "why would u say sorry for a sneeze honey?" Jane says lightly stroking the girl in between them.
"my daddy never liked me making noise" she whispers and they tries to eat a marshmallow from her cup, they smile at her attempt but hear a small., *hmp*
catherine smiles and leans over the sofa to grabs some marshmallows and hand them to her.
She smiles with a gasp, dips them into her hot chocolate and eats them with a smile.
"do u know your parents phone number or anything" Jane asks, Cathy ponders for a second and nods.
"it's 0792847628839" they stare in shook as she dipped another marshmallow into her cup and sips her drink.
Jane's gets up and calls her parents.
"hi yes. My girlfriend said she found you child. Cathy outside be herself in the cold on the beach, anything on that maybe?" catherine hears some noise from the phone and Jane sighs, she ends the calls,
"so?" catherine starts, she sees the worried and sad look on her face,
"they didn't want her back, did they?" she asked. Jane shook her head and sat down. "I don't wanna go home" Cathy says quietly with sad face, tears glistening in her eyes,
"I'm sure u can stay with us, right Jane?" she asked look up to her girlfriend, Jane smiled before nodding her head
They were expecting to have a child only 7montjs into dating but. They couldn't say no to this and give her up to child services,

She's now 6

Cathrine had had a shit day today, she qa on her way home, walked through the door to see water spilled on the ground. "who the hell! WHY" she shouted, Jane as outa only minutes before she arrived so the only other person was Cathy, she sighed and shouted up for her.
"CATHY, GET DONW HERE!" Xcathy came running and saw the water. She immediately got scared, she was gonna clean it up, but she couldn't reach the cleaning supplies. Like the wipes and stuff.
She walks in front of Cathrine.
"Cathy! Seriously. Why! I get it could've been by accident but maybe clean it up!" she shouted. Cathy started to have memory back to her younger childhood, tears started to fall down her face.
Cathrine turned around to see her daughter crying bexuwse of her.
Fear stood in.
" oh baby I'm so sorry " she bent down to hug her. Cathy walked back, wiping her eyes. "'m sorry. I tried to reach cleaning supplie but couldn't" she took a gasp as she started crying harder,
"I'm sorry. Please don't send me back!" she pleaded. Cathrine looked at her daughter in guilt. She set over sat down and hugged her x bring her into her Lap. Stroking her hair 
"I'm sorry baby. I was just stressed from work, ill try not to shouted anymore alright?" she could still hear crying and started to rock Cathy back and forth. Sh'ing making sure she knew she was safe,
After a bit Cathy was stable, could breath properly and was calm, sorta.
Cathrine lifted her head ieth her finger.
" why not u go up to mamas bed and cuddle up, Ill be up ima sec once I clean this. Alright?" she said, Cathy nodded 
As she started to clean it.
'I can't believe I yelled at her. After what she went through. I'm having to be more careful now'
Still in some shook she yelled at her daughter she went up and lay down,
She pulled her closer and Cathy cuddled up against her.
She kissed her forehead and let herself sleep..

When Jane was home, she found a note on the door. 'slippery floow where towel on, be careful"
She wondered andookwd around. No sigh of anyone.
She walked up the stairs and into her an Catherines room.
Where she found Cathy and Cathrine cuddled up, she already knew what had happened due to the sucurity cameras,
She smiles. Got changed and lay down with them.
She put her arm over Cathy and lay them on Catherines hip,
She nuzzled her head into her daughter fluffy hair,
"hey" she heard, looking up saw Cathrine smiling,. "go back to bed love" she replayed kissing her head, and Cathy's and at they.
That all fell asleep..

I found this cute okay 😤

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