ASD Non Verbal Cathy Parr Becuz

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This is for scdparr
When the queen's come back, their now waiting for the very last queen,l. But something is different with the last queen.

"ughh! How long until the last one gets here!" Anne annoyly shouts out
, flopping down on the sofa.
"calm down Anne, she'll be here soon. We have come here ever week so she'll be here sometime this week" catherine said, rolling her eyes at the green queen
"yeah bu-" CRASH!, everyone stopped and looked up at the ceiling.
"is that her?" Jane asked walking into th living room,
"I think so?".

I woke up in a new place,
I panic and look around. Where's mae!?!
I try to speak but nothing comes out, my brain isn't working properly, what is wrong with me?!
I look at what I'm wearing, a jumper and pair of, leggings? I think
I hear a knock and immediatly panic.
'Thomas!??? But I didn't do anything?! Oh god please no, don't please!' I couldn't even speak
The person starts opening the door, I just sit down and clamp my hands on my head,
" he's gunna hurt me!"
The person ducts down I don't see a man's face, it's a women.
"hey, you okay. Its 2020, I'm kitty, Katherine Howard" she sends me a smile.
I just stare at her,
She helps me stand up and tells me who is here,
I heard some news I recognises but my brain isn't comprending them at the moment.

"guys she's here!" kitty said as she led me downstairs.
They all came in,
"catherine?" I hear my name and I turn my head towards a women. My godmother. My eyes widen,
All of a sudden I'm being hugged, I Bury myself into it, I haven't been hugged like this is so long.
"holy , your here, are you okay?" they hear, she try to pull away slightly to see my face and I pull her back, I just wanted this a bit longer.

She led me to the living room and they all just kinda went quiet.
"so that's the last of us. What do we do now?" Anna asks, not looking at me,
"Cathy how about you tells us about yourself?" Anne asks "Cathy?" Jane asks.
I go to talk but I couldn't. I have no idea why, I shrink into myself,
"you can't talk right now can you?" I look towards Anne and nod, I feel bad
"it's okay, kitty didn't talk for a couple days" Jane says sending a smile towards me. I lightly smile.

After a couple months, they sorta thought that Cathy wouldn't talk. As they've never heard her voice. Joans been diagnosed, same with Anne and Maggie

But once one of their friends took them aside. Not Cathy but the rest of them.

"look, the only reason I didn't want Cathy here is that I've noticed something about Cathy, the things she does and the way she doesn't do certain things." she says. They all look at her.
"I think Cathy has autism" she says. They all just blank. They've heard of autism but didn't expect Cathy to have it,
"that would explain things" catherine said, everyone looked at her. "how?" Jane asked looking towards her,
"I mean, some autistic people don't talk for a bit and they go Non-Verbal. Which might explain why she's never talked. The ways she hates certain fabrics and certain foods, it makes so much more sense" they all realize and nod.

Once they came back they decided to tell Cathy what they thought and if she'd like to see if she could get a diagnosis.

"so, Cathy, lynx pointed out that you do a lot of things usually people with autism do and you have a lot of autistic traits, and we connected the dots and we think you should get a diagnosis" Anna explained, they all looked towards Cathy. Hoping for a positive response
Cathy thought for a moment before smiling and nodding,
"ill call the doctor now" Jane said smiling.
They got home and Cathy's appointment was in 3 months, they did research and were certain about Cathy's autism so they did what they could to help until they got an official diagnosis.

Cathy was happy, she might finally know why she's like this. She'll know why she can't get her brain to put her thoughts into words. Why she hates certain textures, certain foods. She'll get answers.

That night Cathy couldn't sleep because of a nightmare so she went to the one person who she absolutely loved and looked up to, to an extreme.
She knocked on the door. Tears tearing down her face. She's holding a cow stuffed animal with a really soft fabric that helps with meltdowns.
Catherine opened the doors and smiled a sleepy smile.
She led Cathy in and made her sit down "you wanna talk about it" Cathy looked towards a notepad and shaked her head,
"okay, you wanna sleep?" catherine asked. Cathy nodded and immediately got under the covers.
Catherine laughed and went as well, bringing Cathy against her, she can be a very cuddly person on certain days.

After months of waiting,

"come on Cathy! We're going to the doctors" catherine shouted to the living room from the front door.
Cathy came in and gave a confused look "remember? Your autistic diagnosis?" Cathy's eyes widened and immediately grabbed her shoes and Catherine's jumper that she for sure didn't steal,
It was fluffy okay?! Catherine expected it anyways.
"bye gues. Good luck!" shouted the others.

They walked out, and got into the car and started driving.

They were outside the doctors (or whatever the place they diagnose autism at. I can't remember)
Cathy looked towards catherine,
"you ready?" she got asked. Cathy nodded and they walked in.

They were home.
so?" Anne said as Catherine and Cathy came through the door as they were at the doctors, "well we have our answer don't we Cathy?" Catherine smiled towards Cathy who smiled, nodded and lightly shoke her hands.
"Cathy has autism, and she is non Verbal" Catherine says as Cathy looked towards the others, the ladys in waiting had came over because they wanted to know what's been happening,
Cathy got nervous as no one answered, she started fidgeting and lightly rocked herself in place, everyone noticed.
"well that explains a lot doesn't it?" Jane got up laughing a little walking towards Cathy and giving her a hug. Cathy hugged back and sighed in relief.
"what part of the spectrum is she on? I heard there's high functioning and low, Im not sure that high functioning is a nice way to put it but yeah?" kitty asked as Cathy, Catherine and Jane walked into the living room,
"low, the official diagnosis is aspergers" catherine said smiling beside her to Cathy who beamed back,

Everything was okay

This is what happened before the first chapter on autistic Cathy Parr.
So rewriting but I had to so it would fit,
Hope u like this

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