Poly Ship:)

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I saw this on tumblr by the user named @workbiwriter
And I thought it as a cute idea
Anne x Anna x Cathy
Also non-binary Cathy, also asd
BTW the disorder headcannons wil always stay.

No one's point of view.
Cathy woke up from a nap that turns out only 10 minutes because they were woken up by the sound of laugher? That's what they think anyways
Cathy got up and walked out, nearly everyone had gone out, well, except Anna and Anne,
Cathy had a huge crush on both of them but never really new why or what it was. But recently they found out, they were poly but when they came out Anne and Anna seemed happier? But they couldn't possibly love them right?

Cathy knocked on the door hearing a soft "come in!" they slowly opened the door, with a tired look they looked around the room to see Anna and Anne both sitting at the desk, in the same chair.

Seeing this Cathy didn't feel right, of course they wouldnt like them they're probably not even poly.
They thought and decided "sorry to inturpt I'll go now" they turned around to go before she heard movement "wait-egh- Cathy wait no don't -" Cathy turned around shyly, not really knowing what to do, seeing Anne get up from were she had fallen to the ground. They couldn't help but giggle,

Anna got up from the chair without falling on her fucking face so that's nice.
" so Cathy? What you up to-we were actually talking about you" Anna said leaning up against Cathy to give her a hug as she knew why Cathy Was tired, they could get very affectionate quick nd wanted affectention.
"why were u talking about me?
" she asked
They both froze.
Truth be told, they were talking about a poly relationship, with Cathy but didn't know how to fully ask them but, nows the time they guessed.
"look Cathy we wanted to know if u knew about something?" Anne looked down and fiddled with her shirt, Cathy nodded.
"would u or would you not like to be our partner and be in a poly relationship with us!" Anne blurted out in one breath "jeeze breath bo" Anna said laughing at her. Anne stuck her tongue out at her, Anna repmyed with that gesture.

Cathy stood still, they're crushes, no. This can't be real "pinch me" they asked, both girls looked at Cathy in confusion "what?" they both asked "this can't be real, right?" both girls nodded and smiled.
"shit" they laughed at Cathy's response.

"so? Will u?" Cathy looked over to Anna as she asked and Cathy could do nothing but nod, Anne had a huge grin on her face and threw Cathy into a hug, they both laughed as they nearly fell,
Anne kissed Cathy's cheek and pulled back with a grin, Cathy couldn't help but smile. They felt hands around their waist and felt Anna kiss their cheek as well then kiss Anne.
"fun" Anne said, they couldn't help but laugh at Anne
"Cathy would u be more comfortable with partner or-?" Anna asked still standing behind Cathy with her head laying on Cathy's head.
Cathy thought for a moment, "tbh, any just don't stick to girlfriend everytime, try and ultnate between them please?" they both nodded and Cathy felt great, they haven't felt this type of live since,

That night they all slept in Anna's room, Anne on the left, Anna on the right and Cathy squished between them. They didn't mind. They infact liked it and cuddled into it.
They were in heaven.

So yeah, here. I've stopped requests becuwse I can't handle the fact there's a deadline. Even tho there's not my brain says there is :😊👌this is also gunna be published on tumblr

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