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Quick question- Does anyone know a good book-cover making or poster making app? I'm still not happy with this cover. So if anyone of you has some idea..then please do tell me. 

Nattie and Bianca were feeling sick, very sick. Nattie was awfully quiet after her call with Shayla's mother. She was dwelling in guilt as she accidentally told Mrs. Sukeney about Shayla being hit by a bullet. They, just like Shayla's parents, hired a cab in the morning after the whole scandal outbreak. They were about to reach Baskville and Nattie didn't know how to face Shayla.

Nattie and Gabrien finally became a couple one day before Mrs. Vitina gave the interview. They wanted to share this big, good news with their friends but didn't have the heart and time after all the mess spread out.

Bianca was staring at the black summer sky with small twinkling white lights called stars, from the car's window when she inhaled loudly before finally breaking up the silence, "You will tell her about you and Gab?"

"NOT AT ALL! I practically jeopardized her already messed up life....and then what will I say? Hey Shayla, sorry to break this up to you but your best friend, after spilling out your grave secret, is enjoying her newly established love life," Nattie spoke self-loathingly and sank back further on her seat with more guilt overpowering her mind.

"Two years ago, it was July..when we were going to Shayla's house...with this same sick, sad feeling," Bianca spoke meekly. "That time Mikeg disappointed her...and this time her luck."

Nattie couldn't control herself anymore as she started crying silently and Bianca hugged her sideways while trying her best not to cry. "Why? Why always Shayla? She was so happy with Aric. She was so damn happy...Her parents won't accept Aric now...never...and...Oh...WHY?" Nattie spoke amidst her cries with rising exasperation.

"Call Gabrien. Ask him how's Aric doing?" Bianca spoke gloomily.

"I don't have the heart to even take my mobile and talk to him," Nattie spoke silently while wiping her tears off.

"He's....Man, I have never seen him like this before...locked up in the room...not coming out...not sound is coming from matter how hard we coaxed...he didn't step out," Gabrien spoke weakly and it seemed to Bianca as he was on the verge of crying.

"We are on our way to Paeker's. We'll see if we can make Shayla's parents understand-"

"They won't. They think Aric's life is dangerous for Shayla. And why won't they? She was kidnapped..shot...sent threatening letters..and now being showcased as a she-devil," Gabrien interrupted Bianca with a tired tone.

Nattie snatched her mobile from Bianca and asked Gabrien timidly, "Aric isn't loathing Shayla, right? For leaving him? She had no option-"

"I don't know Nat," Gabrien sighed as he spoke, " He hasn't talked with us after Shayla's departure. Just straight away went to the guest room, where Shayla stayed, and locked himself up. But I know Aric...he knows that Shayla was in a helpless position. Shayla has practically sacrificed her desire to be with Aric so that Aric can live a drama-free life. But little did she knows that Aric lives in a limelight...and it can never be drama-free...never."

It was ten at night when the cab finally halted before Shayla's house. This was the moment that both girls were dreading from the core. They didn't have the courage to see a broken Shayla. Both of them nodded at each other as if silently encouraging each other, and rang the doorbell.

Aric's face was buried in the pillow which had the coconut smell and it was somewhat calming him down. It was Shayla's shampoo's fragrance. He had buried his face in that pillow for the past four hours. It gave him a feeling as if she was if she was with him and never left. Aric was breathing deeply, trying to take in all the fragrance.

The Magician and The Goose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now