Chapter 30- TRAITOR!

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A/N - I have updated the story info. Old readers can check it out. A new twist is coming up in the next chapter and I have mentioned it in story info.

Happy reading :)   


1st of September- Both Shayla and Aric were never going to forget this date. Bags were packed. Aric sat inside the backseat of his car as he rubbed his hands together and spoke excitedly to his driver, "Mr. Nip, to the university."   

Shayla was standing outside her university gates and was eagerly waiting for Aric. She wanted to jump on her feet with excitement which she wasn't able to contain. It was her first trip and that too with Aric.

She thought that it would take her loads of effort to convince her parents but thankfully for her, Mr. and Mrs. Paeker gave her permission saying that now she is grown up and she needs to enjoy a life bit.

Don't do anything that will make us regret our decision of sending you to the city was what her father told her before waving his green flag for the trip.

Shayla felt butterflies in her stomach as Aric's car stopped in front of her and he jumped out of the car with his bright smile.

"Hey, Shayla. Wonderful day, isn't it," Aric chirped brightly like his father used to do.

Shayla chuckled, "Somebody is in a good mood today."

"Why not? We are going on a trip. I'm happy as I am going to escape this city life for a while."

"But I'm happier than you. It's my first ever trip," Shayla said while flashing her grin.

"I know. Dane told me," Aric spoke as he took Shayla's suitcase and kept it in the car trunk.

"How did Dane - Oh, Respina. She just can't keep her tongue in control," Shayla said while shaking her head.

"Yeah, and because of this shortcoming of hers, Elliema is now coming with us too." As soon as these words left his mouth, he bit his tongue. He didn't want to talk about Elliema, especially in front of Shayla.

Why? Do you want her to consider you single? If yes then why? A voice inside him questioned him.

Because I have made up my mind to end up things with Elliema, that's it. No other reason. Aric debated with himself.

Shayla felt her heart drop. She knew she'll feel sad watching the two together.

"Hmm... Elliema...Your girlfriend," Shayla spoke faintly to which Aric felt a painful squeeze in his heart. He looked up at Shayla who got inside the car without sparing another glance at him.

Aric sat beside her in the backseat as their car drove off for the airport.

The silence inside the car was suffocating Aric. He wanted to talk to her so he cleared his throat thinking that he should tell Shayla about his breakup plan with Elliema.

"Uhem...umm...Shayla....uh...regarding Elliema I wanted-"

"How much time will it take to reach the airport?" Shayla spoke quickly, clearly not in the mood to talk about Elliema.

Aric took his cue and spoke, "Forty minutes approximately."

Stupid stupid asshole you are. Was it necessary to take Elliema's name? Look what you did. Spoiled the whole mood. Aric thought to himself as he stole glances at Shayla throughout the whole ride while she kept her gaze focused outside.

He's your friend. That's it. Don't expect more. Shayla kept repeating this line inside her head over and over again throughout the ride.

Aric and Shayla were the first ones to reach the airport. They waited for like ten to fifteen minutes when the rest of their friends arrived. Respina was the last one to come.

Respina took small, timid steps towards the group with a sheepish grin as she spoke, "I know you guys wanna murder me but trust me it was just a slip of the tongue."

Everybody except Shayla gave Respina a dead glare as they folded their hands across their chests.

"Uh-oh," Respina said as she dropped her bag and ran for her life.

Gabrien and Basil ran after her while Gabrien shouted, "Charge! Kill that traitor! KILL HER!"

Dane, Shayla, and Aric chuckled as Leslie bellowed, "Stop behaving like kids, you boys! We are at the airport. Everyone's looking at us."

"Your sister needs to be punished, Les," Shayla said mirthfully to which Leslie raised her hands in the air as she spoke to people staring at them, "I'm not with these people. I don't know them."

Basil grabbed Respina's hand and stopped her from running any further, "Gotcha!"

Respina laughed as she jerked Basil's hand off of her and started running in the opposite direction when BAM!

She collided with Trivil with great force and both of them fell with Respina on top.

Shayla started laughing her heart out but stopped eventually as she saw everybody's expression. They all looked at Trivil and Respina with a horrified expression.

"OH NO," Shayla heard Leslie murmur beside her.

What's going on, Shayla wondered as she stared at Trivil and Respina who were gazing into each other's eyes, and then Respina stood up with a jerk as if a current ran throughout her body.

They both cleared their throats and mumbled a small sorry to each other.

"Awww, you guys will make me cry," Elliema spoke mockingly as she advanced towards them.

"SHUT UP!" Both Respina and Trivil shouted in unison.

"Calm down, why being so hyper," Elliema spoke with a fake smile as she made her way towards Aric. Before she could say anything, Aric spoke annoyingly, "You were asking me why I didn't tell you about this trip. Well, this was the reason. Your attitude."

The whole group was waiting for their flight. Shayla was in the airport's bookshop, buying a book for herself to read on the flight.

"True book lover you are," Aric said to Shayla with a smile.

"Oh thank god you came."

"What already missing me?" Aric said as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully to which Shayla shook her head smilingly as she spoke, "Haha. Very funny. Listen, what just happened? I mean Trivil and Respina. What's the deal with them?"

"Well," Aric scratched his head hesitantly, "They kinda have a history."

"WHAT!" Shayla shouted in absolute shock.

"Sshh," Aric shushed Shayla as he glanced back at his group.

"What!?" Shayla now shouted in a whisper, "She never told me. I'm hurt. I'm her friend. Doesn't she trust me enough to share her secrets? She knows almost everything about me."

"I understand your feelings Shayla but it's something that Respina doesn't like to talk about. Not even with Leslie. I'm sure she'll tell you everything when she'll be comfortable," Aric explained.

"Yeah, I guess I have to wait then. All I know is that Trivil was Kalier's best friend then something happened and they are enemies now. Also, Elliema and Respina loathe each other. Everything is interlinked, right?" Shayla asked.

"It's not my place to answer your questions. Respina will surely tell you one day," Aric spoke with a small smile.


I have written this chapter in a hurry. Gonna make some changes later.

Take a wild guess about Trivil and Respina..

Until the next chapter xoxo.

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