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P.S.- I would like to dedicate this chapter to my babe  @VibhawariPundir  for supporting me and this book from the very beginning and thank you @Squashy_Orange  for your valuable votes and suggestions. 



"SHAYLA! This is the last time I'm calling you. Come down for your breakfast. I have reheated it," Mrs. Sukeney shouted thunderously from downstairs.  

She came out of her room and saw her mother standing downstairs with a scowl on her face. "Mumma, it's fine. Honestly. You know I don't like early breakfast."

"You don't like? It's not about your liking Shayla. It's about rules and proper ways. Breakfast is supposed to be eaten early in the morning. I don't understand what's the fun of eating stale food when you can have freshly prepared warm food. I have to reheat the breakfast for you every single morning; food loses its authentic taste due to this repetitive heating. You get my point, right? Even your father is not happy with this annoying habit of yours." 

Mrs. Sukeney Paeker was a forty-year-old housewife and mother of two children- Shayla and Minvis. She was thin with short black hair dangling up to her shoulders. Out of several things, the one thing that irritated her the most was the habit of her daughter having her breakfast late and alone. A family who eat together stay together was what Mrs. Sukeney liked to practice and preach.

Shayla's father, Mr. Stepin Paeker, worked as an accountant in a hospital. He was tall, thin with a black mustache and black hairs which were turning white day by day- the result of growing age. Mrs. Sukeney was a more strict parent in comparison to Mr. Stepin.

"Mumma, please--"

"Why can't you, just for once, join your family for breakfast?"

"I can't eat food so early in the morning. It makes me nauseous and you know that."

"8:30 is not early. 5:00 is early. We are making you eat at 8:30. Minvis eats earlier than you, at 8:00."

"Because of his school, at 8:30," Shayla rolled her eyes with a duh expression. "And now since his schooling is complete, good luck for making him eat breakfast in the early morning." Shayla gave an evil smirk as she said so.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady," Mrs. Sukeney said frowningly as she kept her hands on her waist. "Don't make me come up and drag you down to the dining table. COME AND EAT."

It was ten in the morning when Shayla was done with her breakfast and was packing her bag with earphones inserted in her ears, listening to CarryWill's song which was released six months ago in January, on the new year, - Dreams. She started humming the last paragraph of the song which she already listened to infinite times. 

But when they pull you down,

You thrive harder and harder,

To get back up and wear that crown,

And come back stronger,

And live a little larger,

Nothing can stop you from chasing your dreams,

Live for your dreams, die for your dreams,

But never ever give up on your dreaaamsssssssssss.

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