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Aric was curled up in his soft cushioned black chair with his head hanging on the edge and his glasses askew. He didn't realize when he fell asleep and everyone was happy that he did. Aric was dreaming about Binnsbury street. He was, along with Shayla, playing with dogs when Mrs. Vitina arrived there and dogs chased her away when she called Shayla a golddigger. Then suddenly Elliema popped up out of nowhere and Shayla started crying saying that she is better than me and she is of your standard. Aric scolded her for thinking so and then Mikeg, along with Jiklois-the magician, arrived and Shayla decided to patch the things up with Mikeg. 

Aric woke up with a jolt and tumbled down the chair and winced as his wounded hand hit the cold floor. He adjusted his glasses and it took him some time to recall where he was and what has happened with him yesterday. A wave of grief hit him badly as he now recalled the past gruesome hours and realized that Shayla was really gone and his hands were bound with an invisible rope of order which he received from Shayla's parents that they don't want him to make any public statement.

His stomach churned sorrowly as he got up and he felt that there was no energy in his body even after a long sleep. There was a big void in his heart because Shayla wasn't with him. 

I can't lose my mind right now. I need to make things right. Shayla would be so depressed right now. She would be wanting me to act smartly. No more anguish or reckless behavior. I need to use my brain. That's what exactly Shayla would have done. We belong to each other and I, at any cost, gonna make it sure. Just one stupid vicious woman can't rip us apart, Aric thought determinately as he ran inside the bathroom to take a quick cold shower.

It was around ten in the morning when Dane rubbed his eyes twice, Respina splurted out her mango juice, Trivil gaped at the unbelievable sight, and Basil, Gabrien, and Leslie exchanged 'OMG' looks. Oli and his parents were also taken aback but acted coolly.

Aric was energetically coming downstairs in a light pink t-shirt with white shorts and his hair damp from the shower. He looked fresh and normal.

"Good morning everyone," Aric said in his usual tone as he sat on his usual seat, beside Oliandrin.

Everyone gaped at him and mumbled a perplexed 'good morning' in return.

"What there for breakfa-- Oh not again!--- Boiled beans?! Well, okay. I will eat them so as to avoid listening to an hour's lecture from my mother and Shayla."

Everyone was astonished at how normally Aric was reacting and how normally he was talking about Shayla as if she hasn't gone anywhere.

"Aric..." Gabrien spoke timidly.

"Yeah?" Aric spoke expectantly with a small smile that horrified Leslie.

"Are you fine?" Dane asked rather tensely.

"Yes, I am," Aric spoke and took a spoonful of the boiled beans and scrunched up his face in disgust and spoke while pointing at the beans, "But these are not."

"It seems that you are trying to act if she isn't gone..." Basil's voice trailed away as he said so.

"It seems you are in shock---" Trivil spoke carefully.

"I'm not in shock or denial. I know Shayla is gone and her parents won't let her come back. But...Obviously...I'm not gonna sit idly and listen to sad songs...I'm gonna fight for us...She is too tired to fight...But I'm not. The only thing which matters is that she DOES wanna stay with me...and I'm gonna bend hell to make her wish come true. So hurry up people. Eat quickly. Today's gonna be a long day," Aric spoke sincerely and took another spoonful of beans and again scrunched his face in disgust, and swallowed it up mournfully.

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