Chapter 2- COCO

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I am uploading this chapter sooner than I told you all...*grinning*

I am working on the next chapter which is very long, to be honest, and I'll upload it in a couple of days. So please stay hooked. 

Enjoy reading and do vote for this chapter and share this book with your friends.


Where on the one hand Shayla slept peacefully that night after watching Carry's videos, which lightened her mood; on the other hand, Carry himself wasn't able to sleep. I overslept this afternoon that's why I am not able to sleep, thought Aric. But he knew what thought was not letting him sleep. Only one statement kept reverberating in his head- This isn't love.  

Conversation with Dane was affecting him more than he thought. Aric kept staring at the ceiling with his arms folded crisscross under his head. "Ugh, rubbish. I do love Elliema and she loves me too. Dane is stupid. Leslie's company had driven him towards that fairytale shit. So what if I didn't talk to her today? You do feel off sometimes, it doesn't mean that you don't love your partner. That's bullshit." Aric spoke to himself in a hushed tone.

She isn't the one.

Dane's voice echoed inside his head again. Aric sat straight up on his bed with a jerk, "Oh for God's sake! The first thing I'm going to do tomorrow is beat the shit out of Dane, for flooding my head with his shitty nonsense." 

Aric groaned loudly and fell onto the bed. He rolled to his right and closed his eyes tightly. Let destiny do what's right, he thought, and soon sleep consumed him.


Sometimes, when we are lost, we need an anchor in our life that can hold us tightly with happiness and positivity. It has been two weeks to be exact since Shayla and her friends did the CarryWizz marathon, and from that day onwards Shayla never missed a day when she didn't watch Carry's previous videos. 'When the world made me cry, you made me laugh,' that's what Shayla used to say after every video.

Moving on from a relationship, in which you invested too much of your time and emotions, isn't easy but happy distractions can make this process easy; and that's what exactly was happening with Shayla. Watching someone, who is making you smile and laugh, non-stop for fourteen days obviously aids in the healing of a heartbreak. And Shayla's friends weren't surprised when she told them that Aric Wiziann a.k.a CarryWizz is now her celebrity crush.

"I'm eagerly waiting for his new video," Shayla spoke with a grin.

"I heard he was working on some kind of music video?" Nattie asked while sipping her coffee.

"Oh yeah, he was, but it won't be released until the next couple of months," Shayla spoke with a mouth full of donuts.

Bianca came back to the table, where her friends were sitting, holding a plate full of meatballs and French fries.

"What took you so long?" Nattie asked. They were at their college's cafeteria which was currently packed with students as it was lunchtime.

"You know this stupid canteen. Service is always late, no matter how many times I put my suggestion in that suggestion box," Bianca replied with a scowl.

"That's of no use. Probably just to show that they value students' feedback," Nattie spoke as she emptied her coffee mug.

"Well, it's our last semester and to be honest I am really worried. God knows what destiny has for us in store. And to be honest, no matter how much I hate this college, I'm definitely going to miss the time spent here," Shayla spoke after finishing her donut.

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