Chapter 18- AT ARIC'S

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Read the whole chapter. I enjoyed writing it. Hope you'll enjoy reading it :) Do vote if you like the chapter!   

Shayla didn't know how to react. Her head was pounding like somebody was slamming it against an iron wall and she wasn't able to recognize the room in which she was. Fear crept inside her which only worsened her headache.  

"Oh no! Don't tell me I had a one-night stand with a stranger!!" she shouted in a whisper as she tried to get up from bed and the room around her swayed as she stumbled and fell on the bed. She looked at her body and was relieved to find herself in the same yellow dress which she wore last night to the club.

Her mouth filled up with saliva and it tasted bitter. She was about to vomit. She frantically looked around the room for the washroom and saw a door to her left and ran inside it. To her luck, it was a washroom and she puked.

She saw a brush and started brushing her teeth. "I don't care if this brush is spare one or not. My mouth smells like what Nat described Bee's fart," she mumbled to herself while brushing.

She came back to the room and sat on the bed groaningly. She felt as if someone was continuously hammering her head. 

How the hell did I get drunk? I just drank orange juice, that's it. Did someone spike my drink and then kidnap me and bought me here? Did Res and others search for me? Oh god! Am I kidnapped or what?  Weird fearful thoughts kept popping up in her mind. She felt as if veins inside her brain will burst with fear, tension, and pain. She tried hard to remember about last night but nothing came up inside her brain. 

"Come on Shayla concentrate, you have a sharp memory, come on, come on," she closed her eyes tightly and palmed her forehead as she tried to recall the last night.

You look more beautiful when you laugh. 

Shayla opened her eyes abruptly as a voice echoed inside her head. She knew that voice. She very well knew whose voice was that. It was Aric's.

Did he really say that or I'm hallucinating?  Shayla wondered with her eyes wide open in disbelief. 

She tried hard but wasn't able to recall anything else from last night so she gave up.

Shayla was thinking of her next move when her eyes fell on the nightstand. There was a painkiller and water bottle on it. She read the name of the medicine and when she was assured that it was just a painkiller, she quickly took it.

"If I'm kidnapped then this door would be locked from the outside, for sure," saying this she turned the doorknob, and to her relief, the door opened.

She peeped her head out and looked right and then left and then again right, cautiously.

Every corner of the house shrieked richness. There was a large living room in front of her with large glass windows. She could see a small swing on the patio from the windows. Sunlight coming in from the windows illuminated the living room and spread the warmth.

Oh god, did I have a one-night stand with a rich brat?! Shayla wondered fearfully.

Well, she never had any one-night stand and she was definitely not planning to do it. 

She was just looking here and there, absorbing her surroundings when she heard some muffled voices. She turned her head to her right and saw staircases from where the noise was coming.

She climbed upstairs as she mumbled irritatingly, "Let's end this mystery that how the hell I ended up at a stranger's house."

She reached upstairs and saw two rooms in the hallway. She approached the left one from where the voices were coming. The door to the room was left ajar, so Shayla peeked inside gingerly. Her eyes widened and her legs shivered. She quickly backed away from the door.

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