Chapter 35- YOUR DOOM!

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Gabrien and Respina jumped into the small pond which was located eight to ten minutes away from the cottage, amidst the tall, green trees. The rest of the group sat beside the pond, on the mat, and were having their breakfast while soaking in the warmth of the sun. Aric was stealing glances at Shayla now and then. He realized that your feelings grow stronger ten folds when you confess them to yourself or to someone else. He knew he liked her and by saying that aloud, by confessing it, it made him incline more towards his emotions and feelings, for Shayla. 

The group bought an axe with them. It was Trivil's plan to have breakfast beneath the clear blue sky and beside the small pond. Don't forget, friends, we are here to enjoy ourselves. So enjoy. And show that git stalker that we aren't afraid of her/him and we won't stop having fun just because he/she is here, were Trivil's words.

Shayla wasn't able to think straight. She noticed the change in Aric's demeanor. She even asked Dane what was wrong with him, why he was acting all strange, to which he just smiled and winked. 

Aric had been ignoring Shayla since morning, and when she wasn't looking at him then he used to steal glances at her.

Was he feeling shy? Definitely. Was he going all giddy? Definitely definitely.

Stop acting as if you have told Shayla that you you like her. She doesn't know a thing so stop acting like a high school girl who acts all shyly around her crush, Aric told himself as he ate his sandwich.

Stop acting like a stranger. If his ignorance towards you is bothering you then go and ask him straight away, as a friend would do, Shayla told herself as she gulped down her kiwi juice, which she hated, but drank it anyway because it was healthy.

"If you guys are done eating then come join us," Respina spoke enthusiastically as she swam in the pond, showing off her swimming skills. 

"Nah...I'," Basil spoke in a muffled voice with a mouthful of bread. "I hate to sw...swim."

"I don't know swimming," Aric and Shayla spoke together, to which Elliema glared at Shayla while Aric and Shayla quickly jerked their head towards each other. Aric felt his face heating up and he quickly averted his face before anyone could say that 'are you blushing?'

Aric and Shyla were sitting at the heads of the mat and were face to face with each other. Dane and Leslie were sitting together with Trivil by Dane's side and Elliema by Basil's side. Elliema was trying to talk to Aric since morning but he completely shut her out.

"We knew about Aric, but not about you. You don't know how to swim?" Leslie asked Shayla.

"No. I never got time to learn to swim or drive or skate or etcetera. I was a silly, geeky and studious girl who stayed in her room alone, to study, read, and write, " Shayla said while shrugging.

"You was? You still are, darling," Elliema spoke tauntingly.

"Did she talk to YOU?" Aric spoke bitterly.

"What babe?!" Elliema spoke with a pretentious shock, "I was erasing her dilemma."

"You-" Respina spoke but Shayla interrupted her, "Yeah, I AM. Any problem? Bimbo."

All of them looked at Shayla with amazement and amusement.

That's my girl! Wait what!! Where did that come from??! Aric thought to himself.

"That's my girl," Respina shouted as she whistled.

Somebody gave words to my thoughts, thought Aric.

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