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Modesty's POV
Today was finally the day my newborn daughter, Kyrie and I get to go home. Spending nearly two weeks in the hospital made me realize how much I miss being at home with Shawn and the kids. Not being able to see Presley, Cameron, or Cheyenne for a week, drove me crazy. But in the end, they'll be formally introduced to their baby sister.

Shawn recently went back to work, but when my dad learned that I was being discharged, he forced Shawn to come back. I guess my dad wanted him to spend more time with me and Kyrie. I don't know, he's weird.

"Knock, knock," Paul joked.
I laughed.
"What's up, Paul?" I replied.
"He's back."

Shawn walked in. I smiled.
"Hey, you," he greeted.
"Hey," I replied.

Shawn came over and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I'll leave you two alone."

Paul stepped out. I chuckled.

"Your father is a pain to deal with."
"And it only took you almost 19 years to figure that out?"

Shawn chuckled and kissed me again.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"
I smiled.

Kyrie started to cry. I sighed. I let Shawn go and we walked over to Kyrie. I looked at her. I never realized that she has her father's eyes until now. I picked her up. I have never felt such mixed emotions since Presley was born. I was happy at the fact that I had another child. But I was also sad because of the circumstances that had happened prior. I walked over to Shawn.

"She's beautiful, Shawn."
Shawn smiled, "Reminds me of the day Presley was born. When you asked me to be her godfather."
"You remember?"
"Of course. I've never forgotten about that."

I smiled and kissed him.

"Let's go home."
Shawn nodded.

Shawn and I gathered everything. Shawn decided to hold Kyrie while she was in her car seat. I looked at him. I couldn't tell if he was nervous or excited to be holding another baby. We walked outside where the sun was blinding. I walked slowly to the car that Shawn had brought. I was still sore from the emergency C-section they had to perform a week ago. I held my side.

"Honey, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little sore."

Shawn put Kyrie in the car and then came over to me. He opened the door for me and helped me get in.

"Easy now, babe."

I slowly got into the car.  I grunted as I was getting in.

"There we go, baby."
"Thank you, Shawn."

Shawn got into the front seat. I looked at Kyrie and then at Shawn. I wished we had the other three here. I know they are at home waiting for us, but still, they should be here with us for this special moment.

"You know the kids will love her, Mo."
"I know, Shawn. I know.

About a half-hour later, we arrived at our house. The kids were inside waiting for us and Kyrie. When Shawn opened the door, they came running towards us. Cheyenne and Presley jumped on me. I groaned.

"Mommy!" They yelled.
"Girls," Shawn called, "Please be careful. Your mother is still healing from the surgery. Cameron, please take your mother to the couch. I'll be over there in a second."

Cameron nodded. I love the fact that Shawn's kids think of me as their true mother. I mean, I don't blame them, especially after what Rebecca did. Cheating on Shawn a year after Cheyenne was born. I still couldn't believe that she would do that to him.

"There you go Mom," Cameron said.
"Thank you, sweetie," I replied.

Cameron went over to the other couch and grab me a blanket. Shawn, Presley, and Cheyenne came over to the couch. Shawn was holding Kyrie and he had handed her to me. We smiled.

"Kids," I said, "Meet your baby sister, Kyrie."
"She's pretty Mommy," Presley said.

Shawn and I chuckled.

"I wanted a brother," Cameron moaned, "But I am happy that I got another sister."

I smiled.

Later that night, Shawn put Cameron and the girls to bed. I was cradling Kyrie on the couch when he came back downstairs. He chuckled. I turned around and looked at him.

"We did great, Shawn," I said.
"You did amazing, honey," he replied.
Shawn sighed. I gave him another look.
"What's wrong, babe?"
Shawn took a seat next to me and Kyrie.
"I feel like it's my fault for what happened to you and Ryker."
"Shawn, don't blame yourself. What happened was an accident. All that matters is that Ryker and I are here. We have our daughter here with us. There's no need for you or Hope to blame each other."

Shawn finally smiled. He leaned in for a kiss.
"Ew," someone giggled.
I looked behind me, it was Presley.
"Pres, shouldn't you be in bed?" Shawn asked.
"I couldn't sleep, Daddy," She replied.
We both smiled.
"I got her, Shawn," I said.
I handed Kyrie to him.

I picked up Presley and took her back upstairs. We went into her room where I set her down in her bed.

"Pres, before the accident, I've noticed something's been wrong with you. What's wrong, baby?"
"I've been having nightmares, Mommy."
I gave my daughter a look.
"A man comes up to me and tells me that he's, my daddy."

I gave my daughter a look. How is that possible?
"Mommy, I'm scared."
"Presley Rose McMahon. No matter what you know you can come to me if you have these dreams. When the time comes I will tell you the truth."
Presley sighed, "Okay, Mommy."
I kissed the top of Presley's head.

I got up from Presley's bed and went to the door.

"Could you leave the door open?"
I nodded.
"Night, Pres."
"Night, Mommy."

I finally went back downstairs where I peeked around the corner seeing Shawn holding Kyrie. He was humming while swaying her. I smiled. I slowly walked up behind him. I wrapped my arms around him while looking at our daughter. Shawn kissed the side of my head.

"We did good, kid," he whispered.
"Yes, we did," I replied.

Nothing could ruin this night.

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