Godfather (2000)

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A/N: Modesty's 17 years old.

Wednesday, September 31, 2000
Greenwich, Connecticut
McMahon Family Home

These last few months were probably the hardest of my life. Three months ago, I lost my best friend, my fiancee, Jordon Manson. It was difficult losing him. He was so young, had big plans for the future, and he was excited to raise our child.

I'd never gotten the chance to tell him we're expecting a baby girl. Jordan always wanted a daughter. He always talked about how he wanted to spoil her. How he wanted to take her to different places in the world. Now, he'll never have that chance.

Jordan only had three wishes for our girl. That was for her to grow up and make her destiny, as well to be strong, and to be who she wants to be. Something that I can never give her.

Today was the hardest of all days. Today would've been Jordan's 21st birthday. Looking back at some pictures of him and I was keeping the tears away.

"Modesty," my sister, Stephanie called, "I'm home!"
"In the living room!" I yelled back.

Stephanie came into the room.
Stephanie looked down and saw that I was looking at some pictures. She came over and sat down next to me.

"Today's the day? Isn't it?"
I nodded.
"Listen, Moe, I know you it's been difficult. But look at the bright side,"
She put her hand on my stomach.
"Your little one will be here at any moment. Jordan wouldn't want you to be depressed when the little one arrives."
I sighed, "You know I hate it when you're right."
She laughed.

Later on, Stephanie went out to meet her boyfriend at a club. My brother, Shane came home. So, he decided to spend the night with me.

We were watching my favorite movie, Titanic. The part when the iceberg hit the ship, that's when I felt something was wrong. All of a sudden it was becoming difficult to breathe. Shane came running over.

"Sh-Shane," I gasped, "Something is wrong."
"You're in labor," Shane exclaimed, "Come on. Let's get you to the hospital."

Shane helped me off the couch.

Greenwich Hospital
Shane quickly rushed me to the hospital. The doctors rushed me to a room. I couldn't tell you how much pain I was in. But before they brought me into a room, I saw Shawn.

"Sh-Shawn," I called.
"Go, Shawn," his wife said.

Shawn followed us to the room.

"She needs to start pushing now!" The doctor yelled, "She's starting to hemorrhage!"

I turned my head to Shawn.

He put his hands on mine.
"It'll be okay. You can do this."
"I'm scared."
"You can do this. Jordan's watching over you. He's ready for you to meet your daughter."
I nodded.
"Modesty," the doctor called, "You need to push now."

I pushed as hard as I could while screaming really loud.
"Okay Modesty, you're doing really good. Ready? 1,2,3, push!"

After a few more pushes, I was ready for the final one.
"M," Shawn whispered, "One more. She's almost here."

After a big push, the next we all heard was a baby crying.
In breaths, I whispered, "Presley."

They gave her to Shawn, who then brought her over to me. I smiled.

"You did good kid."
"If only her dad was here to see this."
"He is Modesty. He'll always be here. What's her name?"
"Presley. Presley Rose."

I grab Shawn's hand.
"Shawn, you've been there for me every step of the way. You were there for me when I needed someone the most. I want you to do the same for Presley."
"What are you saying Modesty?" 
"I want you to be Presley's godfather." 
This was a hard chapter to write. Trust me, this will come into play later on. And yes I know this could have been one big chapter. But I didn't have time nor patience to write a fifteen-page chapter. Hope you enjoyed this. Now I cannot wait to continue with the story.  

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