Kyrie Jordan Hickenbottom

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Shawn's POV

Finally! Tonight, I officially began my paternal leave. I cannot wait to see my lovely Modesty. I know she has to be anxiously waiting for me to get home. I can't believe that we are having a child together. I mean it feels so weird for me. I've watched Modesty grew up in this company. She went from being this rebellious teenager to a beautiful young woman.

My phone vibrated. It was Hope.

"Hello," I said.
"Shawn," she panicked.
"Hope. Hope, what's wrong?"
"You need to get to the hospital. Now."

I hung up and rushed to the hospital.
Hope's POV

I could not believe what had happened to my husband and friend. I was glad that Ryker was okay, but I'm extremely worried about Modesty. I haven't heard anything about her condition.

I took out my phone to text Shawn.
H- Are you almost here?!
S- Yeah. We're almost there. Have you heard anything about Moe?
H- No. They haven't told me anything.
S- Ryker?
H- He's recovering.

I wanted to cry. I wish someone would update me about my friend.

"Hope," someone called.
I turned around and it was Shawn and Moe's family.
"Shawn," I sobbed while holding onto him, "I don't know if she made it."
Shawn didn't say anything.
Shawn's POV

I finally made it to the hospital. I was in the waiting room hoping for the doctor to come out with good news. Hope was resting her head on my shoulder and I was holding her hand. I knew Hope was scared.

Vince came with me. He was panicking over what had happened to his daughter.

"I can't believe it," he muttered.
"Vince, I know she'll be okay," I assured.

The doctor came out.
"Hope," he called.
Hope raises her head.
"Yes?" She finally replied.
"Is her family here?"
Vince and I stood up.
"Yes. I'm her fiancé, Shawn, and this is her father, Vince."
"Are you the father of her baby?"
I nodded. The doctor sighed.
"Please have a seat. We need to perform an emergency c-section to save the mother. Her vitals are stable for now. But if we don't perform the surgery, both of them will die."
I looked at Vince and Hope.
"Do what you have to do to save them."

The doctor nodded and left.
It's been a few hours since the doctor told us that Modesty needed an emergency c-section. We've been anxiously waiting for him to come back.

"Why isn't he back yet?!" I furiously asked.
"Shawn," Vince called, "Son, you need to calm down. I'm sure he's doing everything he can."
"I know he is. I'm not ready to lose Modesty or my unborn child."

Vince put his hand on my shoulder.

"Shawn," the doctor called.
I looked up.
"Wanna meet your daughter?"
I smiled.
"Go!" Hope laughed.

I jumped up and followed him to my child.

The doctor brought me to the prenatal care unit. He pointed to my child. I put my hand on the glass. I couldn't believe it. She was here.

"She was born at five pound seven ounces, 19 inches long. She's going to have to stay in here for a least a couple of weeks, along with her mother."

I looked at him.
"How is Modesty?" I asked.
"She's stable," he replied, "What's your daughter's name?"
I remember Moe and I talking about how the name "Kyrie" means "Lord" or "Lord, have mercy".
"Kyrie Jordan."
"That's a lovely name."

I smiled. I can't wait to officially meet my newborn.
You know, sometimes I love having a nurse mother. Oh, and I'm sorry for taking so long. School has been a bear. Oy. Anyways, who's ready to learn what happened to Ryker and Modesty?!

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