Chapter 1 - Youth & Whisky

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Hi my name is Hayley Purdy and I am 17 years old and my brother is Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides.
You would think that I'm popular at school because of my brother , well no i am not I am home schooled because I go on tour a lot with my brother and his band but since my brother isnt going on tour for a year i said i would go to the school down town for the last year of school, this should be fun but its the start of july so 2 months until i go to school. i bet you are wondering why i said i go with my brother alot well he wanted to be in the band and our parents didnt and i wanted to surport my brother and they didnt like that so i live with my brother and his band. Andy Biersack, he is the lead singer, Jake Pitts, one of the guitarist's, Jinxx, the other guitarist and C.C, he's the drummer. they are so funny i have been living with them since i was 16. But i have only ever had one friend outside of the band and that was a boy who lived a couple doors down from our house ,we met in the local park we were the only ones there and we have been friends ever since his name is Callum.

My brother is asleep on the couch with is lyric book on his stomach, the rest of the boys are playing C.O.D so i got my sharpie pen, a can of squirty cream and a feather i walked over to Ashley, "Hayley, what are you doing?" Andy whispered "sshh" i said i wrote gay on Ashleys forehead and a penis on both cheeks, he moved but sayed asleep one of his hands was hanging of the edge of the couch so i put the squirty cream on his hand and tickled his nose with the feather , dropped all the stuff and ran to my room and waited, i could here the rest of the lads laughing, then "HAYLEY!!!!!!, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU???!!!!!" ashley shouted. suddenly i heard him stomping up the stairs and along to my room. i had my camera ready take a picture, Ashley suddenly burst through my door, i took the picture quickly and hid my camera. I started lauging "HAYLEY! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS FOR!?!?!" he boomed i heard the rest of the lads come into my room they burst out laghing again. "im sorry Ash i couldnt help it was so hard to resist " i said still laughing.

Ashley stormed out my room and slammed the door. "woahh hayley i've never seen him so mad" c.c said "yeah i know but it is funny" i replied. the lads went back to there game and i went looking for Ash but i couldnt find him unil i went in his room i found a note on his bed saying "dear guys & hayley i need to calm down you know where i'll be so if your going to look for me hayley you wont be aloud in there so dont bother from Ash" i grabbed the note my coat and the car keys i ran dow stairs "ANDY?" i shouted because i didnt know where he was "Yeah?" he replied from behind me "SHIT! Andy you scared me but anyway Ash has gone again here is the note he left" i said to andy and took the note and read it "he's gone to thta bar again hasnt he?" i asked andy "yeah he has" he said sorrowfuly ad gave me a hug "can we get him ?" "yeah, give me the keys and we will get him before he does the same thing as last time" "okay" i relpied "GUYS WE ARE GOING TO FIND ASH AGAIN" andy shouted to c.c jake and jinxx "OKAY" they shouted back. then andy and i got into his car and drove downtown to the place he goes to all the time the local bar where he have shit loads of whisky so he can get pissed because he is pissed off. when we got there andy told to stay in the car while he got Ash. 10 minutes passed and Andy came out helping Ash to walk Ash had only been there 20 minutes how the hell was he pissed! Andy opened the back door and put Ash's set belt on then closed thedoor and got in himself and started driving back to the house. "how many glasses this time" "10" Andy replied. we were soon back at the house i just got out the car and ran upstairs to my room locked the door and cried "IT'S ALL MY FAULT" i shouted, i then went to my draws and got out my blade i slit my wrist six times before i stopped and cleaned up my wrist and put the blade back the draw. i walked over to my bed and cried into my pillow until i heard a soft knock at the front door i heard people i couldnt make out who it was i heard the door close and two pairs of foot steps coming up the stairs and then a soft knock at my door "Hayley , can i come in" callum said "okay" i sniffled and went to open the door. Callum walked in and Andy walked in too "you alright if i pop out for a bit just need to go and get a coule of things from the store c.c is still here jake and jinxx have gone to their girlfriends house okay?" Andy asked i nodded my head and he walked out and shout the door "how are you feeling babe?" callum asked he always calls me babe its nice, we have crushes on each other but we never do anything about it, "shit if im honest this is my fault Ash has gone and got himself pissed again cal" i replied an he pulled me in for a hug as he did he caught the wrist i just cut and i hissed, he pulled away "you've done it again havent you" i stayed silent "let me see" i lifted up my arm and the sleeve of my jacket and showed him my wrist, he grabbed it gentally and kissed everyone of my scares including my old scares i have 15 scares in total now. Callum finished kissing my scares and let go of my wrist and looked me in the eyes " Hayley have you told anyone but me and Andy" i shook my head " please tell someone other than us please tell the rest of the guys" he said "i cant callum its hard to tell them if i do please tell them with me okay?" "okay i will" callum replied and kissed my cheek. we talked for ages then he had to go home. now it was time to see if Ash was up so i could apologise.

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