Chapter 24

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"How the fuck do you know?" I repeated " I heard you when you came out the doctors, I always knew you were a slut, you dating a guy older than you!" Beth spat "I'm 18! I can do what I want! I'm legal so what! I'm getting married in march! You will never have anyone like I have! You cheated on my brothers friend who is 22 and you were 17 at the time you then went with my ex! And then look at you going from boy to boy! I feel sorry for calum!" I yelled getting up holding back my tears holding my stomach, I grabbed my back a stormed away everyone chanting 'Look at the pregnant slut!'

I walked out of the school gates walking down the road to the new house. I unlocked the door and slammed it shut. "Babe? What's wrong?" Kellin shouted from the kitchen and he walked to me where I stood with my back against the door, silently crying. He walked to me and wrapped his arms me tightly, I hugged him back "Beth said I was a slut and the whole school except my friends called me a pregnant slut" I cried "Hey shhhhhh everything will be okay" Kellin calmed me down we pulled away from the hug and Kellin wiped my tears away "now, i know for a fact your not a slut, come on, follow me" Kellin said and walked up stairs. I dropped my bag by the door and followed Kellin up the stairs. Once I reached the top of the stairs Kellin grabbed my hand "close your eyes" he said I closed my eyes and Kellin pulled me along the hallway we stopped and I heard Kellin open a door and he pulled me inside of the room "Babe open your eyes" Kellin said I could tell he had a smile on his face when he said it. I opened my eyes the room was beautiful two walls painted white with pink and blue teddies having a pinic in a park then one wall had Noahs Ark with a rainbow above it then the final wall where the door way is there was a collage of pics from Kellin's band at Warped Tour and tours they had done and pics of me, Kellin and our friends and family "wow Kellin this is amazing I love it, and this little one will too" I smiled will rubbing my slightly larger bump "I knew you'd love it" Kellin smiled kissed my lips and hugged me "Can we go gets some lunch please there was nothing apertizing at school" I asked Kellin "yeah sure,come on then babe" He smiled and grabbed my hand. He locked the front door while i got in the car he ran to the car and got in and we drove into town "can we get Chipotle please it's just I don't wanna eat to much bad stuff" I smiled "yeah sure I like Chipotle" and we drove to Chipotle.

Kellin's POV
I'm so happy Hayley loves the room can't believe I'm gonna be a dad! I'm so scared but excited at the same time! I love Hayley to the moon and back I'm so glad I'm marrying hayley. I smiled at her how did I get so lucky. I was next in line to order food. "Next please!" The man at the till shouted snapping me out of my thoughts I walked upto the till "Hello sit welcome to Chipotle, what would yo u like?" The man asked "okay I will have two fajitas with chicken, rice and cheese please" I asked as he tapped my order onto the compete screen in front of him " and what drink" he asked "I will have two sprites please" I asked "okay that will be $15 please" I paid the man and waited a couple of minutes for my order before walking back to Hayley "Hey" I smiled as I sat down across from her. She lifted her head from her phone "hey" she smiled back as she grabbed her fajita off the tray with her drink. She started eating it straight away I've never seen her eat so fast "slow down babe" I chucked "sorry I'm just really hungry I didn't eat much of my lunch" she laughed she's so cute when she laughs. We continued eating our lunch then we headed back home and watched movies all night.

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