|50| Picture Perfect

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feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.

I've seen Jacob angry a handful of times although I should've been scared of someone who held so much anger not once did I ever flinch. Jacob really lived in anger for the most part of his life. Almost as cartoon characters do, so lost in that moment and the torment his brain was in. Right in this moment I could see it first in his eyes, then a tension of his muscles, an inability to think clearly soon was to follow. The rational Jacob was offline and the primitive Jacob who reverted to his old habits was in the room. Suddenly his liberal opinions were gone, his ability for nuance and emotional generosity were gone too. His fists stayed firmly by his sides, anyone in the room could tell any wrong move and Cameron was to be tackled to the floor in an instant.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jacob said behind him walked in Ryan Turner, Olivia and Gwynn joining Zeke, Cameron, Brooke, Jacob and myself in the room. I guess the whole gang had come with Brooke to grab a couple of things since she had a bag filled with clothes in her hand.

"Relax, Knight, I'm not here for that." Cameron answered with his eyes fixed on Jacob's fists. Jacob had walked in and stood in front of me as if he didn't want Cameron anywhere near me.

"Get the fuck out of my house, all of you."

"I live here." Brooke rudely pointed out.

"That's no way to treat your friends now is it? Rebecca taught you better than that."Cameron said and Jacob began to move away from me but before he could go far I held his arm. I didn't want to see him hurt others even if it was the likes of a dick like Cameron who lord knows deserved it. Jacob didn't turn back to face me but he stopped walking towards Carter.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother Carter. I'm warning you, leave."

"Oh come on, you've been banning us from coming so you could keep her locked away from us. We had quite an interesting conversation before all of you came, isn't that right Ellie?"  My eyes locked with his, my heart began to pound. He better not talk about Jacob's siblings; he didn't need to be reminded of the family he had lost, especially if he didn't want to talk about it.

"Don't." I said which caught Jacob's attention as he turned his face to face me.

"Oh come on, I was really surprised when I learned you had told her about Thalia. I wasn't surprised to know she didn't know how she died." All the color drained from Jacob's face. I felt his muscles tense as I held his arm.

"How typical of you choosing to tell her only about Lia but not Link even in death your hatred for him is still evident. Get over it-."

It all happened so fast one moment Jacob was in front of me in my grasp and the next he had already reached Cameron swinging his fist into his best friend's face knocking him right into the ground causing Brooke to scream as she moved away from the assault. With Cameron on the ground Jacob wasted no time in punching a second time and then again and again. Blood began to pour out Cameron; it was hard to tell whether it was from his nose or mouth at this point.

Zeke attempted to walk towards the two to stop the fight but Ryan put his hand in front of him stopping in his tracks and proceeded to say something which made Zeke step back.

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