|32| First fight

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take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.

This fight has been a choreographed dance of destruction for so long.

As soon as her hand landed on my cheek she shoved me backwards, and retaliated by shoving her too. Next thing I knew there where hands everywhere she had managed to push me onto the floor and she pounced right onto me, her nails dug onto my right cheek and I for sure knew that was going to leave a mark. At this point people had formed a circle around us and with each blow either one of us got people cheered and whistled.

I had never been in a fight and frankly I had no idea what to do but I guess the karate lesson my parents had me take when I was younger weren't useless after all. I had to get her off me if I needed to give her few good punches so I kicked her where the sun don't shine of course it wasn't going to hurt as much as it would have if she were a he but it distracted her enough for me to push her off me. I felt guilty, but I couldn't stop. So many years of subtle bullying that sunk deep into my mind and added a divine spice that completed the vexed dish I was serving. I knew I should've put an end to it, apologize before I made it worse, but I just didn't have it in me to stop. And so I punched in the stomach and I pulled her hair.

Now this is when it got interesting as she moved away from my grip I was left holding a bundle of extensions. Wait what? And when I looked back at her her eyes widened wait all along she's been wearing extensions.


Of course it had come as a shock to the people surrounding us so a few "ohhhh's" had been let out. But she didn't let it stop her from coming straight for my throat as she shouted "You fat pig look what've done." She yanked my hair as well but unfortunately for her my hair wasn't purchased in a store. This time she came at me with some new moves. And if she thought I would come to use empathy instead of an armoury, she had another thing coming. My tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, but I grabbed her foot to the ground. My head was pounding. But I wasn't ready to throw in the towel and frankly she looked worse than I did, so I brought a fist to the devil's face, snapping her nose into a grotesquerie.

But my glory was short lived because a pair of strong arms pulled me away from her. And at the same time Cameron Carter pulled her away from me her nose had been bleeding none stop but she pushed him away as an attempt to get to me. As I watched him grab her to stop her from coming to me I kicked the air and shoved my elbow into this person's chest as I yelled "LET ME GO!!!"

A few kicks a screams my wish was finally his command and as soon as my feet hit the ground I was launching towards Brooke but the same pair of strong arms pulled me back and spun me around making me face Jacob. Up till this moment all could see was red but when I looked into his dark blue eyes all of that changed. I suddenly felt like I was about to cry, it hurt. It hurt to feel him so close me but knowing that he was so far away from me. Thats when I realized his hand where around me and how I wanted to just rush straight into his chest and just let him hold me but I knew that wasn't going to happen. So pulled myself away from him, but held onto me tight thinking that it was a second attempt of me trying to get to the devil herself. But really it was just me wanting to get away from him.

"Don't touch me." I said roughly but he didn't listen. So forcefully pushed his chest and I threw few punches into it as my tears fell off my cheek.

"I SAID DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" it was only then he realized this wasn't about Brooke and he let me go. This is when I started to feel all the pain in my body especially the hand I had used to punch her in the nose it was starting to turn purple around the knuckles and it swelling at a rapid pace.

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