|23| The nobodys table

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a person of no importance or authority.

"H-h-Hey." My voice cracked.

I was finally standing in front of all of them and Jacob was still standing beside me and believe me when I say the whole freaking cafeteria found our table very amusing today. Everyone was staring, and whispering and probably wondering if Jacob was on some sort of drugs that made him forget who he was or even worse who we where.

"Is he really going to try and eat with them, I mean that's the nobody's tables." I heard Georgia Gerard say but I chose to ignore her she was like a junior or something really nosy and not a lot of people liked her anyway.

"Can we sit." I cleared my throat after every word that left my mouth.

They all seemed shocked so instead of saying anything about me being totally AWOL for a week they all awkwardly nodded and so we sat. Before I could even remove my water bottle off my trey I was already being bombarded with a series of questions.

"So you have been MIA for like ten days and the best you could say is hey.... can we sit." Kate said looking very pissed.

"You've gone too far, who the hell does she think she is and she has the audacity to bring one of them to our safe haven." Vic growled whilst looking at Jacob like he was some sort of an invader.

"Like honestly you could have at least brought someone better." Mia looked at him like he was some experimental lab rat.

"Nice to meet you too." Jacob said not seeming like he was in anyway offended.

"Shut up, you don't get to talk here." Mia scolded him.

"Yeah, she does have a point though, instead of bringing grumpy over here, no offense." Kate paused and looked at Jacob.

"Grumpy?." he questioned.

"SHUT UP!!!" All three of them screamed in his face and all he did was raise up both his hands in the air whilst a smirk was playing on his lips.

"As I was saying really Heaven? Grumpy really you could at least brought Ryan he is cute and edgy." Kate looked over the cool kids table and her eyes directly landed on Ryan Turner and she began to salivate.

"Please don't call me that." I said as nicely as possible but I was fuming inside I hated that name and they knew it. But instead they all ignored me and kept in talking.

"Heaven? Is that some sort of a nickname that I don't know about or something." Jacobs eyes landed on me waiting for me to tell him but Kate had other plans.

"You speak one more time and I swear on my nana's grave I will strangle you." I must say I have never seen Katherine look so annoyed.

"It is her name Heaven Eleanora." Mia clarified.

"Heaven I like it." He looked surprised and amused but I didn't find anything about the name Heaven amusing.

"Don't care, now zip it." Now I just knew Kate enjoyed torturing him.

"Ewww no I think Zeke would have been a better pick." Vic suggested.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about what Kate said Mia keep up, about Ryan being a better option cause his cute and edgy or whatever but I think Zeke would have been a better pick."

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