|10| Secret smoke spots

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an act of smoking tobacco.

I looked around just to make sure no one was there I mean I have never been caught doing the wrong thing and I was sure as hell not going to ruin my perfectly great rep sheet. Oh god detention was definitely coming my way. I was sure entering a emergency exit door was a felony. Wasn't it?

And what if I got caught, what will I say huh? I was following some guy who wants to black mail me into talking to him. Jacob Knight wasn't who he let the world think of him in fact I wasn't falling for he his 'bad-boy' act because he has never lived up to that title. Well sure people fear him the most amongst the four of the most popular boys in school rumors have been said and he has never confirmed nor denied them. I guess he lives of the lies people built which is pretty smart and a trace of cowardice if you ask me. Besides being awfully vague of who he really is, Jacob is also the quiet one, he barely says anything to anyone well besides his friends but even with them one could tell he is not much of a talker.

So when we entered the dark passage behind the door I doubted he wanted to do anything to me and for a fact I have never been afraid of him even after I once heard a rumor that he was once found at the scene of a burglary in action. We reached the end of the dark passage and he opened the door, we where now outside and in front of us was the most breathe taking view of Garfield Prep. He walked along the building till we were close to two big rocks wedged between the school building and the fence that was a few meters in front of it. A few used cigarettes where scattered across the granite pavement I guess he spends most of his time here. He sat down on one of the rocks and he pulled a pack of cigarettes and stared at the view that laid in front of us.

He took a cigarette and placed it in between his lips and he stretched his hand towards me to offer me one but I firmly declined.

"Did you lure me back here to give me a cigarette? I thought we had better things to discuss." I instantly folded my arms across my chest and I put on my famous rest in bitch face to let him know I wasn't up for any bull shit.

"We surely do." He pulled out a lighter and in one swift motion he lit the cigarette up. After taking in a long breath he finally took it off his lips and he let out the smoke so effortlessly. The smell should have been awful but damn did it smell amazing, mixed with his own scent it became heavenly..... dammit Ellie snap out of it he-is-trying-to-blackmail-you!!!

"So what do want Knight? You going to tell on me so that she could make my life here a living hell, or tell the whole school so that I get to be known as the girl who broke the schools 'power' couple."

"You know me better that." He took another swing at his cigarette.

"As a matter of fact I don't, and this is really stressing because you know I am up to something which at this point it's useless to deny and you want something because if you didn't you have let it slide. So what the hell do you want."

"How considerate of you to think so low of me. I think you know I am not like that." He smirked and let the smoke come out through his nose.

I have just had it, I don't know what kind of world he lived in but it was sure as not the one I lived in. If I didn't know any better I would say he thought he was better than his dick friends which he clearly wasn't, because instead of offering his hand to me or any other kid he always stood there while looking all too good to be touched. So to me he was no where near better than them and I would actually say he could be worse.

"Excuse me." I scoffed and I glared at him so hard I felt as if my eyeballs where about to pop out and punch him right in his beautiful face.

"Look you might have not done anything to me or anyone but trust me when I say you are no better than them. Hell you might be even worse than them, because you know it's wrong I see it in your eyes that you know it but what do you do Jacob huh? What do you do? You do nothing, you do abso-fucken-lutely nothing, so don't sit around here and act like you are the saint amongst sinners..."

I could feel the anger bubble within me and I had no idea why him not doing anything affect me as much as it did.

"Do you have any idea what it feels like to be called names or to be pushed or shoved not being able to breathe because some bratty little kids don't like the way you look. Of course you don't because you are so damn perfect. I don't even know how to be a normal kid feels like because half of the time I am in my room crying the shit out of my insecurities. God you have any idea how it feels like not being able to live, laugh or to be loved by your peers. Or how you in a room full of people and still be alone or how you can't breathe yet air surrounds you it sucks it really really sucks knowing that the very air is supposed to be giving you life-....."

"Knowing that the very air that is supposed to be giving you life is slowly killing you and everyone around you doesn't even seem to notice." He finished off my sentence and I was nothing but absolutely stunned. He dropped the rest of his cigarette and he stepped on it and then he finally had the courage to look at me. But were mischief once laid in his eyes was replaced with pain. A pain so deep I wasn't sure one could even endure it but it was gone as soon as it came but I had already seen it. And if I thought I had figured him out I had another thing coming my way.

The only way one would know how that feels like it was if you have experienced it I was sure that Jacob was far from what he led on. There was nothing but silence for the several minutes that followed. And even though words weren't spoken it was as if we understood each other on much deeper level than before.

"I have to go." He suddenly stood up and he frantically flicked his thumb a nervous gesture I assumed.

"Uummm, forget I said anything." With that he began to talk towards where we came from. But he suddenly turned around and he pushed his long hair back and he did not dare to look me in the eye.
He opened his mouth as if to say something but he immediately shut it so instead he opened the door and left.

I stood there for some minutes trying to wrap my head on what just happened before leaving the spot myself. I went to the cafeteria and sat at our table and Jazz, Mia, Kate and Vic were talking about god knows what but for once they all seemed happy like normal teenagers should without thinking about what the populars where going to do next to make sure their lives where horrible.

"Hey where have you have you been?" Vic asked as soon as I sat down.

"Umm I was in the bathroom."

They continued to discuss whatever they were talking about before I arrived and Jazz slowly sat closer, not to draw attention to the rest of girls who seemed to be enjoying their discussion.

"Are you okay now? I was getting worried any second longer I was going to come and drag you out of that bathroom." she whispered.

"I'm fine Jazz." I smiled at her, I guess I would have to tell her about Jacob later.

"At least one thing worked out alright today." She said while nodding her head towards the populars table.

I proud to see Brooke and he puppets sitting alone while Cam and his douches decided to sit with the rest of the other jocks all the way across from where they normally sat. A small creeped onto my face. Progress.

But I couldn't help but notice that Jacob was nowhere to be found. I mean don't get me wrong he deserved everything I shot his way but maybe I could have been a little considerate of the way I delivered the news.

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