|26| Shitty mocha

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something worthless; rubbish; nonsense.

We slid into the booth and we sat opposite each other I pulled lighter out of my back pocket so that it wouldn't poke me and I placed it next to my wallet on the table.

"This is nice isn't it? Us sitting and having this beverage which tastes like shit your words not mine with this spectacular view. I mean look at that old lady she's been trying to pick up the same coin for the past three minutes and the very helpful citizens of LA having been walking right past her."

"You have a way of making everything seem pleasant don't you?" I laughed and my cheeks turned into a light shade of red because apparently Lucas had witnessed my not-so-finest moment.

"What can I say it's a gift." He shrugged with a light smile playing on his lips.

"I have to admit not my finest moment."

"Wait what, are you kidding me you handled that like any rational human would. I mean your voice probably only reached the corner of the street if not maybe Teds bakery tops."

I covered my face with my hands with embarrassment. And he laughed.

"Oh gosh was I that loud?" I peaked through my fingers so that I could a glimpse of how breathtaking he looked. His curls bounced slightly every time he let out a laugh, his hazel eyes shut and his face was slightly faced upwards which gave me a great view of his chiseled jawline. But I couldn't help but notice that his eyes didn't have the same effect Jacobs had on me instead of feeling like I was drowning I felt comfortable and safe. Which was a new feeling for me.

"Would you stop laughing at me." I finally spoke.

"Only if you remove those cute little fingers off of your face."

So I did exactly that and I was greeted by his hazel eyes.

"I have to confess something though, I lied the mocha is actually kinda good...."

"I know you just wanted to gauge the barista's eyes out for no particular reason. On another note though how cool is it that we ordered the exact same drink almost to say we are soulmates or something." He wiggled his eyebrows an act which made shake my head and roll my eyes with amusement.

"I don't know about you but I only ordered it cause doesn't have that many calories. And as for you Mr charmer that barista would have been just as much a bitch to you as she was to me if you didn't look like that." I moved my hand in circular motions in front of his unbelievably gorgeous face.

"Oh please do tell what I look like?"

"Like you don't already know."

"I don't enlighten me."

"I'm not telling that you are hot cause already you that you are."

"Ah but you see you already did." he wiggled his eyebrows and his eyes held a naught gaze.

"But I do have a confession to make too I might have winked her and flirted a bit so I could get my order faster." He closed his eyes and peeked with left one as if he was expecting me to launch over the table.

I fake gasped and held my hand over my chest whilst I shook my head in fake disappointment my eyes automatically I looked at where the barista was and she looked like wanted to choke me.

"Looks like she might kill me before I can get a chance to do the same to you."

He turned towards her and her ugly glare disappeared in a blink of and eye and she plastered a big smile on her face as soon as the love of her life looked at her, what a fake bitch.

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