|33| Main character

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The definition of the main character is the character who the story is mostly about or the point of view of the story.

Any character who has a major purpose or role in the plot.

I watched the events of the past twelve hours flash right before my eyes. I had I really thought of ending my life for a second time and did I really proceed to beating the crap out of Brooke Bailey. I felt alive in those few minutes instead of feeling the pain of my injuries I oddly felt good, like a huge weight had been lifted off of me I had all this anger, hate and vengeance inside of me that I didn't even know I had. And to be honest it kind of scared me.

But my happiness was short lived because I was slowly beginning to realize how my actions where affecting other people like my parents how tired the looked from all the worry. I had never done anything like this and from what daddy had said in the hospital it looked like Mrs. Bailey- Knight wasn't having it since I started the fight she wanted me expelled she willing to even sue. Now we all know where Brooke gets it from. But above all I felt guilty for it.
After all I have been through because of that spoiled, self centered little bitch I still felt guilty for what I had done deep down I knew my actions did not make me any better than her. And to be honest the way I had been acting the past few months weren't really me from the pranks I pulled with Jazz and the rest I dragged them into this mess. This wasn't me. This was someone trying way to hard to get back at the bullies who had made her life a living hell which was understandable but in the midst of it all she slowly tuned in what she hated most. So I asked myself was this really worth it? Was it is worth getting back at them but somewhere in between it all would I be willing to lose myself?

As we arrived home I hadn't said a word to my parents but I knew there was more to the story than the fact I wasn't going to be attending school for the rest of the week. The fight had landed me some "time off" to rethink my actions. I know this was a nicer way of saying I had been suspended but it wasn't going to go on my permanent record Brooke had gotten the same days as me too. As I walked into the house Gerald opened the door for me and I was ready to just head straight into my room.

"Wait a minute young lady we have things to discuss." My father's stern voice made me stop my tracks. And when I turned around and looked at him he nodded his head towards his home office.

As I walked in I took a seat on one of the couches and I folded my arms and looked away.

"Eleanora what is going on with you?" My mother asked. She was more worried than angry which I could not say the same for my dad.

"I will tell you what is going on, it started when we didn't take necessary measures when she threw that damn party." My father yelled.

"Grant." My mother said as if to tell me not to "cuss" in front of me.

"Lily." He retaliated.

"Calm down." She told him. And he listened but he paced up and down and my mum sat next to me she put her hand on my cheek but I moved away and I didn't need to look at her to know that she was hurt.

"What is it sweetface? What is going on are they giving you a hard time again? Is it because your father and I aren't around as much."

"Not everything is about you?" I snapped.

"Don't you talk to your mother like that." Daddy said.

"Eleanora I have had it with you, it was from that party you threw we didn't do anything about it and the drinking. And that unfit principle tells me that the other kids wrote disgraceful and disgusting things on your locker and you begged him not tell us." At this point he had gone from speaking to yelling. My eyes widen as I realized my parents had been informed about what happened to my locker.

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