|42| A night never to foregt- Part IV

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1. a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.

I opened the door to his Range Rover to allow myself to get out. The night breeze hit me and I took a deep and closed my eyes as I closed the door, I felt at ease. I looked right ahead and there it was the beautiful park Jacob had taken me a few weeks back. After we had decided to leave he made a few calls to make sure that Ryan got back safely, although Jacob had been close to Cameron on the surface I've always found him to be closer to Ryan Turner he seemed to be the only person who had managed to knock some sense into him when he lost in the cafeteria when he almost fucked both Cameron and Brooke. When he told Jacob about them not being proud of the person he was becoming. Since Jacob and I were thinking about trying whatever this was out I hoped to find who they were.

I also managed to send a text to the girls telling them not wait up on me that they should take the limo back, although I didn't disclose as to where exactly I was headed they wouldn't worry about me as much.

"Can't believe you even know what Macdonald's is." Jacob said as he emerged from the driver's seat with his hands full of all different kinds of food. I had told him I was hungry on our way here. He asked what I wanted to eat and all I could think of was Macdonald's. I used to love eating it back when I was addicted to stuffing my face with anything in sight. I used to love their fries the most hands down the best I've ever had. But I stopped with the junk food in hopes of keeping up the image of being pretty so that people would accept me.

But in loving myself that meant I should stop doing what made other people happy. Of course I had no intention of eating to the point where I couldn't see my own damn feet. I believed I had much self restrained now.

"Why cause I'm a spoilt rich girl and I should only dine in restaurants that serve gourmet meals." I joked.

"That's not what I said." He said in response. But his face was giving him away cause it's what he meant. We began to walk towards the gate so we could enter.

"Well but it's what you meant, well I don't mind really that you and everyone else would think that I mean personally I think my family fortune is off putting. But I have always seen the world beyond my parents' money because the world has so much more to offer even if it's not expensive. See that's when we rich people lack, we lack vision of what the world truly is. I mean yeah we have the privilege to see and possess the finest of this world. But at times the things that have the most value aren't even expensive, take love for example." I quickly looked at him in panic. I didn't mean it like that. What if he thinks I'm telling him that I love him.

"Ummmm what mean is McDonald's is more than its price trust me these fries are gold you will thank me later." I quickly added he looked at with the most perplexed facial expression.

"Do you think about everything so thoroughly?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"Maybe." I shrugged.

"Well that pretty little brain of yours has a sight of its own and it's alluring. And if these fries as you say they are I might have to thank you somehow." He winked at me and blushed that somehow better not included any funny business.
As if you are not thinking about him kissing and touching you right now my subconscious added.

I looked away from him and looked straight ahead and the gate seemed to be locked.

"Ummmm, Jacob it looks like it's closed." The disappointment was evident in my tone.

"Don't worry about it." He cooly replied and stopped my tracks. Was he planning on doing something illegal?

"What do you mean don't worry about it are you planning on doing something illegal like trespassing on private property no, no, no this maybe his daily bread you being notorious and shit but I'm not planning on getting arrested." He looked at me like I was being paranoid with a stupid smirk on his face.

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