|57| Holly Jolly Christmas- Part I

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1. an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling.

"You know Ellie hiding your boyfriend away from us gave me an extra day to think of all the ways I can make him uncomfortable today." Summer said as she plopped onto my resort bed as she threw a grape in her mouth. I looked at her and she gave me a diabolical grin and a bit of wonder and excitement glistened from her eyes. Honestly it gave me the chills.

"If you ask me I think it was rude of her not to let her sisters see him before everyone else." Ocean said with a slightly hurt expression on her face. Lies. All lies.

She wasn't actually sad. I knew that for a fact she was trying to guilt trip me into making them meet him before tonight. Which obviously wasn't going to happen given that my sisters are way too much to handle.

"Ellie, you even got me excited for this year's Christmas. I mean you're bringing a freakin' boy. Tell me is a hottie?" Dove said, in addition to having Ocean and Summer in my room our first cousins Dove, Gina, Samantha and Hannah we are present to. Dove and Gina are my uncle Milo's daughters -Uncle Milo is my dad's younger brother. Sam and Hannah are uncle Archer's daughters and he is my mum's eldest brother.

"Does he have a brother?" Samantha asked and I winced at the thought of any of them asking him that.

"No he doesn't, and you better not ask him that." I said in a very protective tone which all of them seemed to not understand.

"Ok chill out." Dove said with her arched brow and not wanting to ask as to why our light conversation had turned into a serious one.

Yesterday after explaining my very complex family tree to Jacob I came back to my room and of course a train of cousins and my sisters awaited for me begging me to let them meet Jacob before the Christmas party. What an endless night of begging which later on turned into them cursing me and calling me a - what was the term Deja used right a hogging whore. I honestly couldn't understand why they couldn't just wait a few more hours.

Before any of them could say anything, Deja barged in taking all the attention off of me.

"Merry Christmas bitches!" She yelled as she walked in and gulped down the last of whatever she had in her glass.

"Deja Celia Pricce would you quit cussing." Ocean scolded.

"And goodness are you drunk?"

"Would stop being such a pain in my ass Ocean, and no I'm not drunk I had a glass of mimosa mmm actually maybe four but who's counting."

"Hate to bring the Christmas spirit down but I just bumped into Aunt Griselda fucking old hag." Deja complained, Aunt Griselda was our great aunt from our mother's side. No one liked her at all because she seems to always have something to say, mostly bad and she's a terrible gossip. She was nicknamed the name the Grizzly bear.

"I would hate to be you right now." Hannah sighed, feeling bad for Deja.

"She told me I was getting old I need a husband at this rate Ellie will be married before me and I will be the embarrassing spinster of the Pricce clan."

"She said that?" I asked in horror.

"No quite but definitely implied it since I'm the only one who's never brought a boy to meet the family. Since I'm also the only one of the three of us who didn't bring anyone this year. I'm fucking twenty five years old I graduated from Buckley as the valedictorian of my class and I'm currently doing my residency in hopes of becoming a pediatric surgeon but hey that's nothing since I don't bring fucking boys home right? She said and I quote 'you are getting older dear and playing doctor isn't going to get you a good husband, boys don't like know it all's.'"

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