|15| Oops!

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plural noun: teenagers
a person aged between 13 and 19 years.

Ellie's POV


My parents house had quickly flooded with people as soon as Rex made his calls, I had to say I must have judged him a little to harshly even Sugar wasn't even that bad. Some of the faces I've seen once or twice at school and some I just assumed went to different schools. The music was so loud and the lights where dimmed people grinding against each other and the all cups had disappeared from the table. Everywhere I would turn someone had a cup in their hand. And everyone was breathing in the smoke of the weed as if it was an important component of oxygen.

Kate and Vic had been taken away from us by these cute boys from Wilson high, Mia and Jazz had been dancing and drinking amounts of liquor I never thought was humanly possible surely it was a miracle how they hadn't passed out.

"Sweet crib." Sugars shouts in my ear as she takes in the interior deco that my mother insisted than no one else on earth should ever have.

"Well thanks, it's not mine technically but I will make sure my parents know."

"Of course it's not dummy, what do your parents do anyway?"

"Umm, a little this and that." I fidget not wanting to tell her who my parents were because people never treated me the same after they knew.

"Yeah you have to be more clearer than that I might end up thinking they are drug dealers. Because how else could they be this rich?"

"What? No no no, I mean my dad owns a company and my mum sells makeup." I say trying to down play their careers.

"It has to be some type of makeup. Because she would have to sell a million a day for her to own such a place."

"Yeah well something like that, I am going to get a drink, want one?" I quickly change the topic before asking anymore questions.

"No thanks I am good I just took some Molly."

"Whose Molly?"

"OMG you prude you know Molly like the drug."

I mentally kick myself for sounding so dumb. She walks back to Rex who I discovered is her boyfriend and I asked her if Sugar was her real name and she said no but she preferred it and wouldn't dare tell me her real name.

I wasn't used to this and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to be one of those people who enjoyed partying. But as I looked over at Jazz and Mia dancing I guess their having fun why couldn't I?
Maybe because you are still sober!!! My subconscious added.
Okay just one drink and you should loosen up you got this girl. I awkwardly passed through the sea of people and I headed straight to the kitchen. Where I saw someone puking in the sick and some totally wasted girl laying across the island and some couple looking like they were about to choke on each other's tongues honestly the were a few fabrics away from being naked.

"Hey sweetheart want a drink?" Some dude said in my ear and his breath made me shiver in the wrong way. He licked his lips and I pushed him away whilst I shook my head, by the way he was looking at me it was as if he wanted to eat me for breakfast.

"Whatever you aren't that hot anyway." He said although it stung I didn't take to heart because he was drunk. Or maybe he just doesn't like fat girls. My judgmental subconscious added. And I brushed it off as I grabbed a bottle of vodka and I poured a generous amount into the plastic cup. I walked back into the living and I took a big sip from my cup and the bitter taste hit my throat setting it immediately on fire. The taste made me screw my eyes shut as practically forced it down my throat. Why do people even drink alcohol it isn't that great. The burning sensation lingered as looked around trying to spot Kate or Jazz or anyone at this point. Suddenly I was pulled by a faceless figure and panic rose within it quickly settled when I realized it was Jazz.

"OMG you wouldn't believe who I just saw." She shouted into my ear so that I could hear over the loud music.

"Who?" I asked.

"What.." she said as she continued to dance while jumping up and down well I think that's what she said with this deafening music I can barely hear myself think.

"Who did you see." I said slowly to make sure she heard me since right now drunk Jazz was giving me divided attention.

She turned me around and made me face the people I least expected to see here.

"It's Cameron freaking Carter." She yelled. And I saw. But I froze as I saw Zeke Miller and Ryan Turner beside him if they are here that means....

"Oh shit doesn't Zeke look hot." Jazz said as she practically drooled all over the place.

"Did you just say Zeke is hot?" I raised and eyebrow and she blushed and looked away and pushed me playfully and totally ignored my question.

"See I told you they would be here."

I didn't answer her as I scanned the room for him, if his friends where here he had to be here too, those four never I mean never go anywhere without each other. Oh gosh do I really I want to face him the last time we spoke I ran away from him because I was having stupid thoughts of him kissing me. For what reason I don't know dammit I don't even like the guy well......mostly.... I absentmindedly took another gulp at my drink as an attempt to try and clam my nerves down and honestly it wasn't as bad as the first sip.

"Come on let's dance." Jazz dragged me onto the supposed dance floor and she started to sway her hips left to right. I awkwardly began to move and I bunch of people just carelessly pushed me suddenly a guy knocks my cup and the contents spill all over my dress and people around me stare at me and begin to laugh.

"Seriously. Like what the....." I say as I looked at my ruined dress and the guy who bumped who had no remorse for he had just done.

"Sorry man but you bumped into me." And there he is referring to me as 'man' like could this get any worse.

"Hey you prick apologize to her or I will kick your ass out right through the freaking window." Jazz spat.

"No Jazz it's fine I'm totally fine." I tell her.

"See she is fine." The rude guy turns around and continues to do whatever he was doing and Jazz steps forward and I quickly hold her back and I shake my head. I really don't want her to cause a scene and honestly this gives me the opportunity to leave this place.

"I am ok, his not worth it. I am gonna go up stairs and change ok."

"Let me come with...."

"No, don't I got this you stay here and make sure everything is going smoothly." I smile at her and I begin to push through people and I try my best to try and walk with tripping over someone.

By the time I reach up stairs the music is slightly more bearable and given they aren't many people up stairs I could walk without getting bumped and the invasion of my personal space is minimal. I pass through many people looking like they are about to have sex on the wall, couch and floor. I literally smell the sex in the air.

Ugghr I don't know whats better downstairs 0r here because everywhere my head turns someone has their hands in someone's pants, I feel like I'm walking through the halls of the behind the scenes of HBO.

After puking a little in my mouth I get into my room without having to see anyone naked luckily. The smell of alcohol is thick, now my dress is ruined because this stain doesn't look like it is going down easy. I seat on the edge my bed and I exhale and check the time of my phone it's only eleven and from what I've heard these things don't end till the butt crack of dawn. How am I going to go through this, 'Just breathe Ellie you got this.' I carefully remove my boots and jacket and I set them aside as I totally ignored the exhaustion I was already feeling. I struggled with unzipping my dress but I got the hang of it eventually and I slipped out of it. Now what am I going to wear? The outfit was going perfectly with red and I really don't have any party clothes laying around here and anyway. Suddenly the door is vigorously opened followed by it being quickly shut and I am suddenly in a room half naked face to face none other than Jacob Knight...

What the actual FUCK!!!

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