|8| welcome the Wrights

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a maker or builder.

As soon as I closed the door of Jazz's Mercedes car door I felt like this was a safe place to tell her that Jacob was onto us.

"I think Jacob is on to us."


"When so left against me against my will which then lead me to talk to him and by the way I am still mad about that....."

"Ellie get to the point."

"Ok sorry my bad, he asked me what I was up too since I have been here for like a week which was totally off because I have been here for like eleven days, but what he was basically saying was that it was odd that in the short period of time I've been here Brooke and Cameron have just magically broken up."
There was silence and we just sat there in the very comfortable seats of her car in the school parking lot.

"Ok, ok we can work with that he doesn't evidence right?"

I shook my head.

"So he is just working on just a hunch did he seem serious like you know in a 'if I found out it's you, prepare to go down way,'or was it in a 'watch your back way like a pre warning type of thing."

He seemed pleased actually I would say I don't think he really cared, or did he? It's kind of hard to know anything with that stupid good looking face of his it's very distracting in the most annoying way possible.

"Neither..... he seemed to I don't know enjoy it I don't know if you get it but after I denied it he said who ever did it, just did a favor for everyone."

"Really." She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what he meant."

"As long as you denied it I'm sure there is no to worry about because we are not stoping anyway the feeling I had after he dumped her was so I don't know out of this world."She smiled.

"I know I want to do more things to make them miserable."

"It's so enjoyable I think I found myself a knew hobby, and it seems addictive." She said and we laughed.

"If I didn't know any better I would say Jacob likes you."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What I mean maybe not like, like you not saying you are not like like worthy I mean have you seen how many guys have been gawking at you this past week. But like I mean I think he just like enjoys your company whatever you said to him in that parking lot might have had and impact."

I laughed so hard that Jazz looked at me weirdly.

"Ok first of all no guys look at me they are probably all wondering how I went from fat to not so fat even though this ass is to big for my liking and I am basically twice the size of an average girl here just to put it out there and if anything he only talks to me because I irritate his sister and him being seen with me pisses her off."

"Say what you want but it's clear to me, I mean the boy barely speaks to his friends he is forever awfully quiet, just sitting there with them but have you ever noticed he seems like he is never actually there? I mean of course in actual sense he is there but mentally not so much. If you ask me I don't even know how he handles the popular world he doesn't even seem to fit in. Not to mention he doesn't act like a dick even though he is because he does nothing whenever we are being treated like pieces of gum underneath old shoes. What I am saying is he seems different around you, you know he actually talks."

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