|14| Say hello to Jake

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a man who does not conform to approved standards of behaviour, especially in a particular sphere of activity.

a man who does not conform to approved standards of behaviour, especially in a particular sphere of activity

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Jacob's POV

I looked at Cameron who was sprawled across on my water bed while he took a swing at the pot we had been smoking for hours now and he passed down to Zeke who was seated next to him on the bed. He was very pissed that Brooke didn't invite him to her party I mean I wasn't surprised but I didn't think she was actually not going to invite him to the party that was going on right this instant down stairs.

"She is so childish and she is such a bitch. I know it's just a stupid party I mean she is really fucked up." This is the thousandth time he has been mopping over how Brooke didn't invite him to her party. I honestly don't know how it took him this long to I figure out that Brooke is just a straight up cold hearted bitch.

"Dude and you are only realizing this now." Ryan says who was seated on the bean bag chair that was next to the one I was seated on.

"Yet you weren't complaining the days you used to bury yourself deep inside her." I bluntly call him out.

"Really dude." He says and Ryan and Zeke laugh and I smirk.

"Fuck this I will not seat hear and have a pity party here while downstairs there is a kickass one I swear Knight if your walls weren't sound proof we wouldn't be able to hear each other." Cameron states.

"What pity party, dude you are the one who begged Jake over here to come over, so that later in the night you could slip into Brooke's party and hope she wouldn't notice." Zeke says. "If he hadn't agreed I swear you have offered to suck his balls just to be here." He added on.

"Bullshit I did not beg for anything and fuck you Miller." He says and he grabs the pot away from Zeke and he inhales it.

"Heartbreak doesn't suit you man." Ryan states.

"I am not fucken heartbroken you assholes not over her I am totally fine."

I have known Cameron since he was in diapers him and I have been inseparable ever since I mean he has always been the more popular one good looking and the bigger asshole and of course star lacrosse player and he seems to socialize well. Myself on the other hand I've been known as the weird one and very intimidating I know what people think of me I've seen the look on their faces when I walk in a room alone. And I have heard about all the rumors that go around of why I am socially awkward. And I don't really give a shit I like being alone and talking to my boys once in a while in life I don't really see the point of talking to everyone.

So after knowing Carter for that long l call on his bullshit all the time, he has had thing for Brooke since the first grade and when they started dated sophomore year I would say he fell in love with her right there and then. I guess I knew that her being the whore that she was she had been cheating on Carter's ass but I never said anything because my boy was in to deep. Besides I knew he was gonna find out sooner or later and the break up didn't treat him well since it basically happened in front of the entire school. I know it has something to do with that blonde headed girl who A. doesn't seem to like me that much and B. she always calls me out on my bullshit. I didn't tell Carter about me knowing the truth behind his break up but him and and Brooke where never meant to be together I know it Zeke knows it even Ryan but they have never had the balls to tell him, I have though repeatedly. At least Ellie sees it too. The blonde headed spitfire, she is something else and I am not just talking about how she gets under my skin or how her mesmerizing blue eyes stare at me with so much hatred. But she is definitely different because I don't know how but sometimes I feel like she sees right through me.

"Yo let's get out of here there is a party at Mountain Creek South we should definitely head there these posts looks sick." Zeke says while he scrolled down the screen of his phone.

"Finally anything to get me out of here." Ryan says.

"Come on guys let's just stay here." Cameron whines clearly the pot has gotten to his head.

"What hell no man, if you wanna stay here late enough so that you can sneak into Brooke's bedroom like a little bitch then so be it dude we are getting out of here I need to get laid and high this pot ain't doing shit, yo Jake you in." Zeke questions me. And I nod my head all I want to be out of here so that I don't get to see my dad tomorrow morning when he comes back from Spain. His been gone three months with his new wife and hasn't called texted hell even just check in and to be fair I never expected him to anyway.

"I am not a little bitch, Miller I swear to god if I wasn't stoned I would kick your little ass."

"Let's go you dickheads the night isn't getting any younger." Ryan says while he decides which one of my eight cars to use he eventually grabs the keys to my Maserati and leads the way.

The moment he opens the door we begin to hear classical music playing from down stairs. Brooke's party looks nothing like the ones she normally throws this one has been decorated to suit some type of formal shit and everyone is dressed in dresses and suits what the fuck is this?
As soon as she sees us she walks straight towards us with a pissed expression on her face. Her hair was neatly done up and she wore a long green dress that looks like it cost Eric a fortune.

"What the hell Jake I thought I told you that they are not invited." She glares at them and focuses her death stare on Carter.

"We were just leaving, you don't have to be bitch." Carter sneers.

"Fuck you Cameron."

"I would gladly fuck you Brooke." He smirks and she looks like she is about to punch him Jesus we cant even put these two in a room and expect them to be civil.

"That's enough you two." Ryan says.

"Head out guys I will be with you in a sec." I tell them and they nod and leave.

"See you around Brooke." Cameron presses I know he is aiming to annoy her.

"Eweee go to hell you asshole." Carter begins to laugh while Ryan and Zeke drag him out before he makes a scene.

"Always a pleasure to see you." He shouts better existing the room.

"Why did you bring that disgusting pig to my party."

"I live here I am allowed to invite whoever the hell I want." You know the feeling one has when a black board is being stretched well that feeling doesn't get even close to how Brooke makes me feel.

Her and her greedy mother only came here to eat the shit out of Eric's money, I never approved of him dating Vivian Bailey for three weeks and then deciding to marry her on a gateway cruise in Bali and yours truly had to hear it from the news that multi billionaire Eric Knight had married socialite Vivian Bailey I swear sometimes I feel he only married her to spite me. I could live with him not talking to me and only getting to see him twice a year if I am lucky even on Christmas but forcing me to live with the fact that Brooke is now my "sister" is a whole new level even for a prick like my father. Adding on to the fact that somehow she can call him dad but I am forced to call him Mr. Knight or father if important people are around so that they wouldn't question our toxic relationship where a son if forced to call his father by his family name.

"What the hell is this Brooke?" I say as I look at the party that looks like it's being hosted for eighty year olds. Now here I am trying to force myself into facing the fact that my life is shit.

"Senior year, so it's the last party instead of turning up and getting drunk and having sex like animals I did it differently this year. Don't you just love it, just so civil and elegant."She beams and looks over the people who looked like they would rather stretch out their eyes balls than stay at this awful party any second longer. Suddenly Zeke bursts through the door and he pants like he has been running.

"Listen up you low lives we can all agree this party is shit, so if you are done kissing up to my boys ex-bitch over here we are headed to the south side of Mountain Creek to a kick ass party so y'all should definitely leave this sorry excuse of a get together and come...... so peace I am out." After he is done with his mini speech he asks me if I'm coming or not and I nod leaving Brooke with a priceless expression on her face.

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