Return to Shiganshina Alternative (Angst)

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Erwin's eyes slowly opened to look up at the blue sky. It seemed like it was still early in the morning as the blue sky had a light shade of orange to it and the sun was still low in the sky. A groan escaped his lips as he sat up. His whole body was aching and his head was spinning. The only thoughts that clouded his mind were those of confusion. He couldn't make out his immediate surroundings due to the fog in his mind. But soon, that all changed. Erwin slowly came back to full consciousness. His vision cleared and the spinning in his head slowly subsided although there was still a subtle throbbing present. What he saw however immediately reminded him of everything that had just recently taken place.

All around him were the bloodied corpses of countless soldiers and their horses. He could tell that none of them were alive. Their screams as they were hit with boulders rang in his ears as Erwin remembered the suicide charge. His horse also laid in front of him, it's pristine white coat soaked with a dark crimson.

The Survey Corps had been pushed into an extremely bleak situation. The hole in Wall Maria had been blocked by boulders thrown by the Beast Titan and said Titan was continuing its barrage, aiming to kill every horse so the Corps had no way of escaping with Eren alive. People were dying rapidly and they had to come up with a plan to take out the Beast Titan so they could complete the mission.

It was decided that Erwin would lead a suicide charge towards the Beast Titan with every remaining soldier alive on their side of the wall. This would be done to distract it so that Levi would have an opportunity to take it out and either kill or capture the person inside.

Erwin's eyes widened as he remembered everything.

Erwin immediately jumped to his feet and looked around frantically. In addition to all the deceased soldiers littering the field, he observed the steaming corpses of countless Titans, including that of the Beast Titan in front of him. There were no Titans alive in the immediate area, only their decaying corpses.

Erwin begins to sprint in the direction of what he observed to be the most recently killed Titan based on the state of decomposition. He could barely breath as he sprinted. His lungs were begging for oxygen. But Erwin couldn't stop. There was only one thought on his mind and he refused to rest until he had confirmation.

Erwin finally reached the final decaying Titan corpse. He bent over with his left hand on his left knee as breathed heavily. Once he regained a small bit of his composure, he looked around desperately. Next to the Titan's corpse was a singular human body. This Titan was relatively far away from where the suicide charge happened so this soldier was not a recruit. A wave of dread and worry washed over Erwin as he rushed over to the body and kneeled down next to it. He picked it up so it was laying in his lap and he could clearly see the face. As soon as Erwin saw the face of this body, his whole world shattered to pieces.

It was Levi. His eyes were closed and he was covered in blood. The blood wasn't evaporating so Erwin knew it belonged to Levi and not the Titans he'd killed. It all seemed to stem from a large wound in Levi's stomach and the flow wasn't stopping. The wound was serious.

"Levi!" Erwin shouted desperately," Levi wake up! Please! You can't die!"

Levi's eyes barely opened as he heard Erwin's voice. His vision was blurry and he could barely make out any details on the man's face.

"" Levi muttered.

"Levi! Levi I'm here!" Erwin said and held Levi up a bit more.


"Levi that's not important right now! We need to get you bandaged up immediately! You're losing too much blood!"

"E-Erwin I...I'm not...gonna...make it..."

"Levi don't say that! You're gonna make it! You're going to make it back alive!"

"I've...lost too much...blood...I'm gonna..."

"Stop...please...Levi you're not going to die..." Erwin said as tears escaped his eyes," you'll be fine..."

Levi slowly reached his right hand up and placed it on Erwin's cheek, slowly trying to wipe his tears away with his thumb.

"D-don't cry..." he muttered.

"How can I not cry?! Levi're bleeding out in front of me in my arms!!"

"I know...b-but I...hate've never...cried..."

"Because I've never lost someone who's as important to me as you are Levi!!"

Levi's eyes widened slightly at Erwin's words.


Erwin took a deep breath as an attempt at calming himself.

"I wanted to tell you this at a much different time and place...but Levi I...I love you. I've loved you for a really long time. I can't put my feelings into words because you're just amazing in every conceivable way. You're so important to me Levi...I can't lose you..."

Levi's eyes went even wider. This time it was his turn to cry. Levi's eyes filled with tears and they began to stream down his face.

"Erwin..." he cried out quietly.

Erwin pulled Levi close and hugged him closely.

"I'm here Levi. I'm here."

"I-I...I feel the...same way..." Levi muttered through his cries and wavering breaths," I trust you...m-more than anyone're my entire w-world...I would give...anything to l-live with"

Levi took in a very shaky breath as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Erwin...I t-too..."

Erwin looked Levi in the eyes and saw pain. He could tell Levi was feeling pain physically due to his horrific injury but also that he was feeling emotional pain. He'd never seen this sort of pained look on Levi's face. His expression was begging for closure and he wanted a sense of happiness in such a bleak moment. Erwin leaned down towards Levi and connected their lips in a gentle kiss.

Levi's eyes slightly widened before they quickly shut again as he relaxed and kissed Erwin back. The moment was full of understanding and love. The two had finally admitted their feelings for each other and they could finally be at peace with them. Neither of the men wanted this moment to end. But unfortunately the world they lived in was an utterly cruel one and it wouldn't allow them the happiness they wanted.

Erwin pulled away and looked into Levi's eyes. Tears were streaming down both of their faces and Erwin's dripped onto Levi's.


Levi's voice trailed off as he took a final breath. The shine in his eyes disappeared and his head fell to the side. Erwin's eyes went wide.

"Levi? Levi! Levi you can't leave me! can't go! Please stay!!"

Erwin clutched Levi's body close to him and he screamed and cried. He couldn't believe that after they had finally confessed to each other and found happiness that the world decided to rip them apart. This was the last thing he wanted but there was nothing he could do about it. The world had taken Levi Ackerman away from him. The world had taken the one he loved away.

Erwin removed his cloak and laid it on top of Levi. He then picked up the man's body and slowly made his way back to the wall. He met up with Hange and the members of Levi's squad who were all excited as they'd successfully managed to take down the Armored and Colossal Titans.

"Erwin we did it!" Hange cheered and ran over to hug him.

Erwin looked up at them with a blank expression. Hange stopped in their tracks when they saw Erwin's expression and his tear stained face.


Erwin looked down.

"Levi...he's gone..."

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