Taken Light (Slight Angst)

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This one shot was loosely inspired by this one. Please go check it out as I really like it ^^: https://www.wattpad.com/266995207-help-me-feel-the-light-glassy-eyes

//Potential trigger warning for talk of injury to the eyes//

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It was time for yet another Survey Corps expedition beyond the walls. There was nothing really special about this one, it was only supposed to be an average expedition. Go out, scout the land, come back. However, things didn't even remotely go normal this time around.

While taking a break in the forest of giant trees, the corps were taking a quick break for lunch. Everyone was relaxed and having fun (as much as they could beyond the walls) because there hadn't been a single Titan spotted their entire way there. Everyone felt somewhat safe. That was, until things quickly changed.

It seems that out of nowhere, a large group of Titans suddenly appeared. The Survey Corps abandoned all they had been doing and hopped on their horses to retreat back to the wall. Tensions were high and everyone was shouting.

Squad Levi had been off on their own towards the back of the forest for some special purpose so they had to make their way out using their maneuvering gear. Once they were out, they'd meet back up with the formation and get onto their horses.

Captain Levi himself had gone off ahead of the recruits so he'd be able to take out any Titans in front of them. He wanted the squad to get out as fast and as safely as possible. The squad members had protested this but Levi had managed to convince them and had sped off ahead.

The rest of the squad members were making their way through the thick forest. No one had heard anything from the Captain or other Survey Corps higher ups via smoke signals or a messenger. So they decided to just power on ahead under their captain's orders.

"How did this happen? Why were we thrown into this? The expedition was going so well!" Jean shouted.

"I don't know," Armin responded," but that's not important right now. We need to get out of the forest and on our horses so we can return to the wall safely. Once we're safe, then we can concern ourselves with these Titans appearing."

"Armin's right," Connie added," just follow the Captain's orders."

Jean grit his teeth and looked forward.

"We haven't heard from the Captain for a while now...do you think he's okay?" Eren asked.

"Eren he's fine. He's Captain Levi for god's sake. Don't ask stupid questions," Jean responded.

"I know that but still...we haven't heard anything from him. No smoke signal, no messenger, no nothing. He should've been able to send some sort of message by now."

"Eren has a point," Armin said," Captain Levi should have-"


Everyone's thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling scream.

"What the hell was that?!" Connie asked.

"That...it sounded like the Captain," Mikasa mentioned.

"That...someone's in pain..." Sasha observed," they're close by too. We need to help them!"

The squad moved forwards in the direction from where they'd heard the sound. As they got closer, large amounts of steam could be seen and large, looming silhouettes were observed just ahead of them through the trees.

"Shit...Titans," Jean muttered.

"Everyone let's work together and kill these bastards!" Eren shouted.

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