I was Careless and Now You're Hurt

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The idea for this one shot came from this thread: https://twitter.com/tomewann/status/1379448373103722501?s=21

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This type of weather was something that the Survey Corps were unused to as a whole but were still prepared for it nonetheless because they could all feel the falling temperatures and see the clouds building along the horizon. It was not ideal to go out on an expedition while it was snowing but it had to be done this time around. In preparation for this expedition, the soldiers had special uniforms made to keep them warm.

Their jackets had been lined with fur inside as well as their cloaks. Each soldier was required to wear long sleeve shirts under their jackets and were all wearing much thicker pants with boots that had more insulation inside of them. Everyone was also outfitted with gloves and scarves to make sure they were all covered up and warm.

Everyone was prepared as much as they could be and therefore set forth on their path outside the walls. They still used the formation although they kept it much tighter than normal due to the expected change in weather. They had been expecting it to snow but they had no clue it was going to snow as much as it did.

Snow was falling from the sky rapidly and heavily, it was an all out blizzard. The Survey Corps had been prepared for a light amount of snow but they hadn't even remotely been prepared for a blizzard so they were in a dangerous situation. Therefore Commander Erwin Smith had made the call to return to the walls and everyone was now doing their best to make it back alive.

"Shit...there's no way we'll be able to see Titans approaching if they're nearby with all of this snow," Hange said to Erwin.

"This is bad," Miche muttered," this is even worse than rain."

"Both of you remain calm," Erwin said," we need to be on high alert exactly for that reason. We have no idea when a Titan could appear and we need to be ready to enter combat at any moment."

The others with Erwin nodded and continued forward. Everything was relatively calm and normal for some time until an ear piercing sound came from behind the group. Erwin, Miche, and Hange all turned their heads when they heard it.

"An acoustic round?" Hange asked.

"It's a signal. Something is wrong," Miche noted.

"Levi..." Erwin muttered to himself.

Erwin immediately slapped the reins of his horse and turned around, racing in the direction of where the aound of the acoustic round had come from. Hange and Miche called after him but he ignored them and continued forwards.

And suddenly, there it was. A looming ten meter tall figure reaching its hand out towards Erwin, trying to make him its next meal.


Erwin jumped off of his horse and used his maneuvering gear to move away from the Titan's hand. He then looked up at the creature. It had been a while since Erwin had directly killed a Titan himself but that wouldn't stop him from killing this one. He anchored to the left arm of the Titan and began to run across its arm. However because of the snow, the surface of the Titan's arm was quite slippery so Erwin ended up slipping and falling to the ground in front of where his horse stood. Luckily for Erwin though, the Titan had crouched down when attempting to grab him so he didn't have far to fall and as a result would only have a bruised back and butt. But Erwin still cursed himself for being so careless.

Erwin looked up once he recovered from the shock of the fall and his eyes widened in horror as he saw the Titan's right hand reaching out towards him once again. He cursed himself again for being so careless and tightly closed his eyes, waiting for the Titan to grab him and crush him.

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