Midnight Sun Alternate (Angst)

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Okay okay I know it's been awhile since the last update and I apologize. But I've been on summer break and have taken more time to draw rather than write because it's easier for me to focus on writing as a pass time during school (for some reason). Anyways here's a new one shot based on a conversation I had with someone on Twitter. You can also find this one shot on Ao3 if you prefer to read it there.

Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33356086

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy. Prepare your tissues ^^

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It was utterly miraculous. Somehow, Erwin had managed to survive the charge he led against the Beast Titan and now found himself next to the fresh corpse of his white stallion. Erwin was disoriented, dazed. He was confused as his head was spinning a million miles a second. The smell of copper wafted all around him, nearly burning his nose. Nothing within the depths of Erwin's mind made sense. Everything was jumbled into a mass of confusion.

That was until something shook everything back into its rightful place and brought Erwin back down to earth.

The sound of an explosion reached Erwin's ears. It wasn't very audibly loud as it was clearly a long distance away but something about the way the shock waves passed through the existing universe made the sound ring in Erwin's ears as if he were right by the explosion. Something in his gut made him feel panicked and scared, made him feel that he needed to get to the area where the explosion had occurred as soon as humanly possible.

Erwin slowly stumbled to his feet and looked around. There were no Titans in sight which was good for his safety but at the same time, there were also no horses which would mean that his trek to wherever his destination was would be longer than was ideal.

Nonetheless, Erwin began to slowly walk towards the wall. His entire body ached from colliding with the ground after ducking to avoid the boulder and it was hard to walk at first. It felt like his legs were made of lead, they refused to move. But still, Erwin continued forward.

The aching slowly dissipated from Erwin's body as he trudged along and he eventually began to run. He ran all the way to the wall and scaled its fifty meter height in only a matter of seconds. Leather boots met what was thought to be concrete and eyes the color of the ocean scanned the enclosed district. Many buildings had been set alight and it was hard to see anything that wasn't a gigantic campfire. However there seemed to be one house closer to the wall that was smoking but from a different source. The house was separated from the others that were burning so the cause of the smoke had to be different.

Erwin slowly and carefully made his way down to the roof of this house to investigate. Once he landed, he observed three different figures that were also on the roof. One looked to be completely charred, burnt to a crisp, another was clearly alive and crying over the burnt body. The last was next to the smoke Erwin had spotted so he carefully made his way closer, closer to something he never wanted to see.

Because of the smoke, Erwin couldn't tell who the figure was at first so he carefully moved them away from the smoke so they could be seen clearly. And yet, Erwin wished he never had.


Levi...oh Levi. Ebony hair messily fell over the man's eyes but couldn't hide the damage done to the rest of his face. There was a large cut crossing over his face from above his right eyebrow and down across his bottom lip. It was clear that the right eye was essentially cut straight through and would not be able to regain any sort of ability to see.

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