The Proposal

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Erwin gave a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair after setting down his quill on his desk. Paperwork was never fun and it was always tiring and it tested his patience every now and again. But nonetheless, he had to power through it as he was the commander of the Survey Corps and paperwork was one of his many responsibilities.

Erwin put his quill in the ink bottle, straightened the papers, and then moved them into a neat pile on the corner of his desk. He connected his fingers and then lifted his arms above his head, stretching and yawning. Erwin's eyes then drifted down to the top drawer on the right side of his desk. He opened it and saw a small black box.

"Heyo Erwin!"

Erwin looked up as Hange entered his office, closing the door behind them.

"Good afternoon Hange," Erwin responded.

"What're you up to?"

"Not much. Paperwork."

"What were you looking at in your drawer when I walked in?" Hange asked.

Erwin's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink and he looked down at his desk.

"Well I..."

"You what?"

Erwin pulled out the small black box and placed it on the table. He opened it and revealed a small golden ring. Hange's eyes widened in excitement as they realized what this meant.

"Oh my god! You're finally going to ask Levi  to marry you!" They squealed.

Erwin immediately panicked and put his hand over Hange's mouth.

"Be quiet. You never know who could hear you..." Erwin whispered.

"Sorry sorry," Hange responded with a laugh," but seriously this is fantastic! Commander Erwin Smith and Captain Levi Ackerman finally getting married. I'm happy for you Erwin."

"Thank you. But I still worry if he'll say yes or not..."

"Erwin come on. You're a great friend and I don't mean to insult you, but you're stupid if you think Levi would not say yes."

"But I-"

"No butts Erwin. You and Levi have been together for almost three years now and your relationship is so incredibly strong. He trusts you more than anyone else and he would give everything if it meant he could be with you. The look in his eyes when he sees you and the way he'll even smirk at you sometimes...Erwin he's deeply in love with you as you are with him," Hange explained," you two are perfect for each other."

Erwin smiled gently at Hange's explanation as he looked down at the ring.

"You're right..."

There was a knock at the door. Hange jumped slightly and looked behind them.

"Who is it?" They called out.

"Cadets Eren Jaeger and Armin Arlert!"

Hange looked at Erwin who nodded to say it was okay for them to enter. Hange opened the door and watched the two cadets salute before walking in. They approached Erwin's desk and Eren set a small stack of papers down.

"Here is the report you requested sir," he said.

"Thank you Eren," Erwin said and placed the report on the stack of other papers.

"Commander, why do you have that ring?" Armin asked and pointed to the still open box.

"O-oh this? It's's nothing..." Erwin stuttered and closed the box, putting it back in the drawer.

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