An Unplanned Surprise (Angst)

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Heyo readers. Usually I don't put authors notes at the beginning of stories (if I use them at all) but there are some things I wanna mention before we start.

First off, thank you so much for over 2.5k reads! This book of one shots has really been picking up steam and I couldn't be more thankful for the support you all have given me ^^

And now for some context related to this one shot specifically...

So I am in an Eruri group chat on Twitter and someone brought up a head canon they had that was quite sad some time ago. I decided to write a one shot about that head canon because I liked the idea. However an important note that you all need to keep in mind while reading this one shot...


Please keep that in mind when reading. Thank you.

Edit (7/4/21):
**** This one shot idea was inspired by an ex "friend" I mentioned earlier who was in the group chat I'm part of on Twitter. However they have since deactivated their Twitter account and I don't foresee them returning. Thank you for understanding ****

Cool so now that that's all out of the way, buckle up so we can get started with today's one shot, it's going to be a long one. I hope you enjoy ^^


"Levi, come over here."

Levi stood up from where he sat on Erwin's couch and made his way over to the man's desk. He moved around so he was sitting on Erwin's lap and laid his arms atop Erwin's shoulders, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"What do you want eyebrows?"

"Tomorrow is the day we leave to go reclaim Wall Maria."


"I think we're both aware that it's very unlikely that both of us are going to make it back alive."

Levi lowered his head. He didn't want to admit it but Erwin was right. The mission was going to be incredibly dangerous and it was certain that the Survey Corps would lose most, if not all of their soldiers. Levi himself had every intention of sacrificing his life for Erwin if it came down to it.

"Yeah..." Levi responded.

Erwin put his hand on Levi's face and gently stroked it with his thumb to calm him down.

"Why don't we go all out tonight?" Erwin asked.

"What do you mean?"

"We're always super careful when we have sex so you don't get pregnant because of our positions in the military. But tonight, I think I'm okay with taking a risk by going all out for once since it could be our last night together to do so."

Levi smirked.

"You're quite excited for this already aren't you?" He commented, already feeling Erwin's erection poking his ass.

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