I Found You Again

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Erwin sat at his desk and straightened his books. It was another day of school and he was looking forward to his father's lesson as he did every day. It was always interesting to hear the history of their world but Erwin had always questioned what was told in the history books. Nonetheless, he looked forward to class every single day.

More kids filtered into the classroom until everyone was there. Kids sat with their friends and talked until Erwin's dad walked into the room. When kids saw him, they quieted down and looked at the front of the classroom.

"Good morning class," he said.

"Good morning Mr Smith," the class said in unison.

"Okay everyone today we will have a new student joining us. This is a very new environment for him and I want you all to make him feel welcome."

The door to the classroom opened and a small boy walked in. He had short raven black hair that was styled into an undercut and framed his face perfectly. He wore a sort of overcoat that was brown over a dark grey shirt. His pants were a grey-ish brown and fell just below his knees.

The kid turned towards the class and looked down at the ground. Erwin observed how the kid wanted to put on a tough image but also how he was still very nervous about being in such a different environment.

"Go ahead and introduce yourself," Erwin's dad said.

The boy stayed quiet and only continued to look at the ground. Erwin's dad gave him a sympathetic look. 

"Everyone, this is Levi. Please be kind to him."

The class responded with quiet hums and answers of 'okay'.

"Alright Levi your seat is right next to Jonathan," Erwin's dad said and directed Levi to his desk.

Levi walked over, sat down, and looked at the desk while Erwin kept his eyes on this mysterious boy. He wondered why this boy seemed so quiet and unwilling to make eye contact with anyone. Erwin decided that because the boy seemed so lonely, he would do his best to get to know him and become his friend.


The children in the school were on their lunch break. Most had already finished their food and were now running around the school yard with their friends playing various sorts of games. Erwin never really liked doing this as he preferred to study and keep up on his grades but today he was simply wandering around outside. The weather was warm and sunny, perfect for an outside stroll.

As Erwin walked, he looked over towards a tree that was near the fence separating the school yard from the river. He noticed how there seemed to be one kid sitting at the base of the trunk keeping to himself. He walked across the field wanting to see who it was and ended up noticing that it was Levi when he got close enough.

"Can I sit here?"

Levi looked up and saw a blonde kid with eyebrows that seemed to be way too big for his own good approaching. He eyed him with suspicion and then looked back down at the grass, not saying anything to the other boy.

"You're Levi right?" Erwin asked as he sat down next to Levi.

Levi simply nodded.

"My name is Erwin Smith. It's nice to meet you."

Levi hummed and ran his hand through the grass.

"Do you like the grass?" Erwin asked as he observed how Levi felt it with a sense of wonder.

Levi nodded.

"It feels funny..."

Erwin smiled hearing Levi speak for the first time. His voice was quiet and scared but it was good to hear him nonetheless.

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