Captain Levi Never Smiles This Much

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(This one shot was inspired by this tweet:

Also I meant to post this a while ago but it completely slipped my mind so here we are. Hope you all enjoy ^^

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The day was perfect. The weather outside was warm and sunny and there was a small breeze that made everything cool enough to enjoy being outside. It was the perfect weather for an outdoor wedding and two members of the Survey Corps were taking advantage of that.

Commander Erwin Smith and Captain Levi Ackerman of the Survey Corps had been together for many years. The two had met when Erwin's squad apprehended Levi and his friends in the underground capital. After that, Levi stayed in the corps and decided to follow Erwin and trusted him implicitly. Levi originally hated Erwin's guts when they first met and wished to kill him back then. But today, Levi was getting married to the same man. Love truly was a strange thing.

The two men were in separate rooms as they got ready for the big event. Levi was in his office while Erwin was in his. Hange and Mike had volunteered to help the two and were making sure everything was going well.

Levi stood in his room quietly. He had gotten ready in his outfit for the day and was waiting for Hange to come get him to bring him to the altar. He was wearing a complete white suit with white shoes and a light blue bow tie. On top of his head was a headband with a mix of blue and white flowers that had a white veil attached to it, the fabric falling to just above his bottom.

Levi looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at every little detail he could notice until he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Levi asked.

"It's Hange."

"Come in," Levi said.

Hange opened the door and entered the room. They smiled at Levi gently and walked over to him.

"You look amazing Levi," they said.

"Thank you..." Levi responded and looked back at his reflection," do you think anything is out of place though? I don't want anything to be out of place. I want everything to be perfect for him..."

"Levi you look great. Everything about your outfit is perfect, nothing is out of place. Erwin is going to lose his shit when he sees how great you look."

Levi blushed and looked down.

"Th-thanks Hange..." Levi stuttered.

"You're not acting like yourself and it's adorable," Hange commented," you always look like you're super bored or like you're ready to murder someone if you have to. Yet today, you look so soft. You're flustered and your face is all red. I've never seen you like this before."

"Well today's a special day I guess..." Levi responded.

"Don't be nervous Levi. Everything's going to go great," Hange said and handed Levi a bouquet of flowers they'd brought for him," and besides, it's time to go see your groom."

Levi grabbed the bouquet and took in a deep breath to try and calm his nerves.


Hange gave Levi a reassuring smile and led him through the hallways of the Survey Corps headquarters building and then outside. The ceremony was being held in the field and everyone was already there and was anticipating Levi's arrival.

They turned the corner of the building and the set up came into view. There were several rows of white chairs all full with soldiers in formal clothing. Splitting these rows of chairs into two equal sections was a long red carpet that let up to the altar. At the start of the carpet was an archway adorned with white flowers. Off to the left side of the altar area was a small group of people with instruments. They would be playing music for the ceremony.

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