Our New Family

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—Author's Note—

Alright so to start off thank you so much for 1k reads! I did not expect this book to gain so much attention so fast. It means a lot that you all are enjoying it ^^

Second I wanna say that I was going to wait to post this one shot till later but I think it's unlikely that I'll be getting the next chapter of 'The Forest' (an Eruri fan fic I'm writing) out today so I wanted to put out this new one shot to make up for that. With school work and what not currently happening in my life, I don't think I'll be able to get the new chapter out today and I also don't want to rush the ending of the story. I hope you guys understand.

Once again thank you for 1k reads and I hope you enjoy this one shot

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This is something the Smith family had been looking forward to for a very long time and neither of them could believe that this moment had finally come.

Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith had met each other all the way back when they were in elementary school. Erwin wanted to be Levi's friend and despite the fact that the raven haired boy had put up so much resistance, they grew very close to the point where they were inseparable.

In high school, Erwin asked Levi to prom. Levi wasn't usually one to attend such functions but went anyways because it was Erwin and he loved him. Erwin had been voted homecoming king and when asked to give a speech to the crowd, he instead invited Levi on stage and asked him out in front of everyone. Levi was very embarrassed at the time but was very fond of the memory in hindsight.

After high school, the two went to separate colleges. Erwin had gone to study abroad in a different country while Levi elected to go to college in their hometown. It was rough for them at first but eventually they settled into a comfortable long distance relationship.

The day Erwin returned was special as Levi had no idea he was coming back. Erwin knocked on Levi's apartment door and welcomed with a large bouquet of flowers and a warm hug. After they caught up, Erwin invited Levi to dinner and they went to a fancy restaurant.

After they had eaten, they both went to a park that was next to a lake to spend more time together. Levi was enjoying the time with Erwin but there was still one surprise the taller male had up his sleeve.

Levi had turned away to look at the lake when something caught his eye only to turn around and see Erwin down on one knee while holding a small black box. He began to say any word that came to mind that would describe how he truly felt about Levi and then said those all important words.

"Will you marry me?"

Levi was a mess of emotions. He was crying and smiling and couldn't put anything into words. He could only nod and jump into Erwin's arms with an engagement ring on his finger.

Their wedding was comfortable with each of them inviting friends and family. Levi had worn a white suit with a veil attached to a headband of flowers while Erwin wore a black suit. Everything was perfect and no one could take their eyes off the newlyweds.

Their honeymoon was fast and easy. They went to a tropical country and relaxed for two weeks as they enjoyed swimming, drinking, and whatever other activities they could find to participate in.

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