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The memories haunted him. Every single night he was haunted by them as nightmares and would wake up continuously throughout every single night. Those nightmares had been increasing in frequency and thus, he had only gotten between three and four hours of sleep every night for the last two weeks. He was tired beyond belief but he couldn't shake off the nightmares. The memories...


The thundering of horse hooves slamming against the ground as they rushed forwards under my command was all that could be heard. We were heading straight to our deaths, all so we could win this battle and make it home with at least some survivors. The situation was bleak and very dire so I had to make the decision for the charge, there was no other choice.


The suicide charge. One of Erwin's last moments alive in that world, the world ruled over by the Titans. The world where all humans were forced to live between three gigantic walls. That charge was a last ditch effort to save his comrades fighting on the other side of Wall Maria, the outermost wall.

This haunted him so often but there was one thought that haunted him every more.


I thought back to the moment I told my most trusted comrade, my closest friend, the one I had fallen in love with, the amazing Levi Ackerman, what my plan was. I sat on a box and began to tell him how I thought my ideals were selfish and I'd led so many people to their deaths based on those ideals. He kneeled before me and told me in his own way that it was time to put those ideals aside and give a final fight for the sake of humanity.

Levi looked serious as he always did but I could see that what he was saying was hurting him. He didn't want to say those words because he didn't want to risk losing me, he didn't want me to die. I felt awful for making him feel like that but the rest of our mission, the future of humanity, it was all on the line. And regardless of how he felt, I knew he agreed that it was best for me to go.


Levi...the name rolled off of Erwin's tongue so perfectly. The suicide charge had been a decision they both made together and it wasn't easy on either of them. Knowing that their fate was to be separated, never to live a happy life together...it was an emotional dagger set straight in their hearts. But the charge had to happen.


So here I was in the midst of the suicide charge. This was the only option left. We were distracting the Beast Titan so Levi would have a chance to sneak up on it and apprehend the person inside. We made use of the smoke signals and gave loud cries. The big beast picked up a large boulder and crushed it into many smaller boulders. This was it...he was about to pitch them straight for us...and I was right in the front of the barrage.

"My soldiers scream!"

"My soldiers rage!"

"My soldiers...fight!"

And then it happened. Boulders came right for us and shredded us to pieces. I was hit directly by a boulder that hit me on the left side of my stomach. There was an immediate feeling of pain but I fell off of my horse and everything went black before I could pay the feeling any mind.


Every single time Erwin had this dream, he would wake up screaming while also drenched in cold sweat. Somehow it got more and more realistic every time it played through his unconscious mind and he was unable to avoid it. He'd gone to therapy and sought out any sort of help he could possibly get but nothing helped him.

Eruri One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now