Stalker!Kokichi xShuichi 💙💜

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Stalker! Kokichi x Shuichi 

Fluff Story Some slight angst but not really.

In this AU they all have their In game personalities but are not in a killing game.

Kokichi also doesn't talk to Shuichi a lot because he is scared he will say something wrong and loose him.

Also dice is a real group of people. ;)

Time it took to write: 2/21/21-2/22/20 One day


Shuichi Saihara POV

I am currently walking home from my job as a detective at the detective agency my uncle works at. Over the last few days I have been having this feeling that I am being watched. It has been really freaking me out. At first I dismissed it as just my thoughts or my anxiety. but it is getting harder and harder to ignore. I sigh. 

I got caught up in my thoughts again. I look up to see my front door, I live alone because I didn't want to burden my uncle with feeding me when I am capable of doing it myself. I open my door and turn on the light. 

I live in a very small house kind of near the center of town. It didn't have much rent because it was kind of rundown and only had; one bedroom, one bathroom, and a living room. 

I wasn't complaining though, I like being alone it was kind of peaceful in a certain way. 

But I am not alone I have a lot of friends.




Well, not really. My only friend that I really keep in touch with is Kaede Akamatsu. I sigh again, I've been doing that a lot lately. 

When I think about it I haven't talked to Kaede in awhile, I hope she is okay.

Anyway, I need to stop thinking about that I have work to do. 

I walk over to my desk in the corner of the small living room. I purposefully put my desk near one of the only windows in the home. it was so that when I was working late I was able to look outside and see the once busy streets calm down. 

I open my bag and pull out the new case files I just retrieved from the detective agency. 

After finishing quite a few of them I start to feel very tired, I am about to fall asleep when I hear a sound. 

It sounded like footsteps, I would've ignored it. but the sounds weren't coming from outside the window. I was more than certain they came from my bedroom. 

I got up quite quickly I grabbed the handcuffs that detective are allowed to carry when investigating and quietly but quickly went into my bedroom. I heard the window close. It was kind of quiet but I was almost sure I did. 

I ran to the window sill. I opened it and looked outside. It was hard to see but I was certain I had seen a flash of purple running in the alleyway beside my house. 

I just sighed, closed the window and locked it. before turning around and looking around my room for clues.

Sadly I didn't seem to find any. but, is some of my underwear missing? I was sure I had more than I have now. Maybe it's just in the wash. 

??? POV

Saihara almost saw me. I was kind of nervous. Maybe he did see me. I was slightly panicking but if you looked at me you couldn't tell. Is Saihara gonna tell someone about this am I gonna get in trouble? I just wanted to see him. He is so perfect but he just doesn't take care of himself. If he was with me I would be able to take care of him. I doubt he even remembers me though. I feel kind of sad at that thought. Well I am not gonna stop visiting him he is one of the only things that gives me light in this dark cruel world. I smile as I remember when I first met him. 

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