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Non Despair AU + Middle School AU ( This means the cast is 12-14 years of age)

It's Mother's day, but shuichi only has his uncle, and kokichi is an orphan. Who will they give their Mothers day cards to?

Started writing: 5/8/2021 - 5/9/2021 (2 days?) Happy Mothers Day 😊


No One's POV

"Happy Mother's Day!"

Said the teacher coming into class.

Shuichi just looked down sadly, kokichi did too.

Everyone else go into a conversation about what they were giving their mothers.

"I am going to give as much chocolate as she wants! I only want what's best for my mother!" Yelled kaito.

Shuichi Saihara POV

I don't have a mom...

I could give my uncle a mothers day card....

No, that would just feel weird.

I could just not celebrate.


I looked over at my classmates who were making cards for their moms.

I frowned, does everyone have a mom but me?

That sucks. 

This just sucks.


I put my head down.

"Hey shuichi what are you going to give your mom?"


I looked up from my desk and saw kaede standing there. 

I already told her that I only have my uncle. Did she forget?

Guess it wasn't that important.

"I- I am just not sure yet" I said making up a lie.

Then I rested my head back down.

"I am still thinking."

"Oh maybe I could help you come up with ideas?" Kaede said.

I wish she would just go away...

"No it's okay, I want it to be special."

"Oh okay then, Good Luck!" she says and goes back to the group.

I groan once she is out of earshot. 

How could she forget that..

It's fine, I guess.

I have never celebrated mother's day before anyway.

I looked over at kokichi...

That's strange.

He didn't have his usual cheerful attitude.  

I tried no to think about it too much. But, it felt important to me for some reason.


What is wrong with him?

Why does he seem so sad?

And why do I care?

I tried again to brush off my worries about my classmate. But, it still didn't work.

Then, Kokichi got up and walked over to me.

Oh shoot-

Kokichi Ouma POV

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