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Lmao you thought xD

happy April Fools everyone :D

I hope you have a great day 



The rest of this was written on April 2nd, 2021 at Midnight.

So since it is midnight where I live and no longer april fools, I decided to write a short story for those that come here after april fools.

Kokichi and Shuichi are laying in bed. Kokichi wakes up with a loud yawn. He looks at the calendar and sees that it is April fools day, his favorite day of the year. He smiles widely at an Idea for a prank on Shuichi.

He slowly and quietly leaves the bedroom and goes into the kitchen. In there, he makes a good breakfast meal. (I have a head cannon that he is good at cooking because of dice). Once he finishes the wonderfully cooked meal he puts two plates and puts Shuichi's food on one and his on the other. He then pours lemon juice all over Shuichi's food. while leaving his all good and ready to eat.

"Nee hee hee" He laughs happily. 'I can't wait till Shumai eats this'

He cleans up after himself and puts the dirty dishes in the sink to wash later. 

Then, he carries Shuichi's plate to the bedroom on one of those breakfast in bed tables.

He places it on the nightstand and wakes up his lover.

"Shuichi wake up!" He says in a kind of demanding way.

Shuichi slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes.

"wwwhat is it Kokichi???" he says in a sleepy voice.

"Since I am such a good boyfriend, I made you food!" Kokichi says happily.

At the word food Shuichi looks up at kokichi.

"The only food I need is you" He says before going back to sleep cuddling a bright red kokichi.

"Hmpf, I took all this time to make him food and he doesn't even eat it" Kokichi says to himself.

Trying to ignore the comment Shuichi said moments prior.

In the end, he fell asleep without being able to prank his boyfriend. Because they stayed in bed cuddling the whole day.

:D There you came for smut but got some fluff instead 


Lmao xD 

Y'all horny asses 

this is my 5th most viewed chapter in this book rn 

you all really want smut or something xD

August 4th 2021: (about 4 months after my last edit in this story)





You all really want smut don't you

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You all really want smut don't you...


I'm disappointed 😞

This was literally an april fools joke and now after seeing this I'm losing faith in humanity.

Also if you didnt get that reference.....


Anyway, I might end up deleting this chapter it just makes me feel disappointed that a lot of people only come for the smut.

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