Pregame Saioma💙💜

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Pregame AU

Shuichi is obsessed with a Show called Danganronpa.

Kokichi is Shuichi's boyfriend, he watches Danganronpa with his boyfriend.


It was a Friday night, school had just ended. Two boys were walking home together. They were heading to Shuichi's home. (Kokichi has abusive parents and when Shuichi found out he rescued Kokichi and offered to let him move in, to which he agreed instantly)

After that, most Friday nights consisted of a snuggle movie night. The two boys would lay on the couch and cuddle while watching a movie. Most of the time it was danganronpa, but sometimes Shuichi would put a different thing on the tv because he knew that Kokichi didn't enjoy watching danganronpa. He would sometimes choose horror movies because it always ended up with Kokichi cuddling with him the whole time.

However, today he decided to try something different. A romance movie, he wanted to see how Kokichi would react. So he got the snacks made while Kokichi sat on the couch expectantly. 

Kokichi POV 

I am at Shuichi's house right now, I have lived here for about 6 months now. We are dating, and I learned that even if he seems like a crazy despair filled manic, he is actually very sweet. He always asks for my consent before doing anything. Even when we watch danganronpa, if it gets too much for me he puts the tv on mute and cuddles me to calm me down. He is also very clingy, but I learned that his parents abandoned him so maybe that's why? 

My thoughts were interrupted when Shuichi came back with snacks. I wonder if we are watching another horror, I hate those but I love when Shuichi cuddles me during it. I blush in embarrassment when I realize I had been accidentally ignoring my lover. "Sorry Shuichi, I was just curious to what movie you picked" I tried to explain.

He just smiles and says "It's a secret~" Then he puts one finger to his mouth (Kind of like how Kokichi does in the game). He puts the movie on then sits on the couch with me. After a few minutes I realize it is a Romance movie. Wow I genuinely didn't know Shuichi even knew romance movies existed. But when I think more about it, I try to find a reason. Sadly, I couldn't figure out a reason. I just sighed and watched the movie. 

After another few minutes a kissing scene came up. I looked away embarrassed to be watching this kind of thing with my boyfriend. I looked at him, he seemed to be blushing too. I looked back at the scene and decided, I would want to do that with him someday. But right now I was fine with the cuddles and small kisses.

Shuichi POV

I would love to do this with Kokichi. but I understand that he isn't ready yet so I will wait and enjoy the cuddles and small kisses. Because I love him. Yes I love Kokichi Oma, This boy has stolen my heart so now I am satisfied.

3rd person POV

The two boys fell asleep cuddling together. Content in each others embrace. The warmth radiating off of the other was enough. They both knew that they would never be alone again.

{539 Words}

A/N: This is a cute short fluff story if I say so. it was requested so I wrote it. I hope you all like it, pregame fluff is very cute.

@ldentityCrisis requested this. Thank you and I hope you like it.

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