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❝sometimes it gets a little loud up here, im sorry

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sometimes it gets a little loud up here, im sorry.


Hima was too tuned in to her own drawing for her to not realize a certain whiteheaded hedgehog had walked himself outside in search of some quiet, the same as her. Satoru saw Hima sitting on the steps of the school's front door. Outside of her loud character, he started to notice her. The way her red hair fell down on her cheeks because she wasn't wearing her green hairpin, her mouth opened up just a bit when she erased a line from her sketchbook. She looked serene, quiet, beautiful. Different to how she looked whenever they interacted.

Satoru had never really been good at the whole emotions thing. He was an expert at hiding his emotions and lacing it with humor, everything else he just ignored until it went away. If it didn't, he'd just let it eat him up, never doing anything about it. It was fine. But he couldn't ignore her. And that made him terrified. Which, in turn, made him so angry all the time - sure, he was angry before, but this was a different anger.

Now, he was screaming at himself for even thinking that. For even letting himself look at her like she was some goddess. Hima's not a goddess, hima was the girl who's hair he used to braid. He had to think of a way to forget whatever thoughts he was having. Without much thought, he walked towards her and grabbed her sketchbook without warning. She quickly stood up and saw that it was the one person that she wished wasn't in front of her right now. Her brows had met in the middle and both her fists bundled up, annoyed at the sight of him.

      "Give it back, maniac." Hima ordered, she was already boiling at this point.

      "Nah. You're always bothering me everyday, maybe now I can return the favor." Satoru had a smirk up his face, opening the book's pages one by one. He stopped to look at a drawing of a rabbit holding an umbrella. He snickered at the drawing, "Who would've thought that a firecracker like you would be so girly huh?"

Hima had enough already, she tried to grab her notebook but failed miserably. He was taller and faster than her, and reacted quickly before she had time to grab it. Hima kept moving forward and had suddenly tripped on her own feet pushing Satoru down with her. The sketchbook that was on his hand a second ago, was sent flying to a near  water fountain.

She ran towards it and grabbed it just for it to be soaking wet. The ink on had smeared all over the book. Pages of drawing were completely ruined by a single action. Satoru laughed and quickly stopped seeing that her body had slumped down and her eyes filled with what looked like tears. He miscalculated a lot of things, but seeing her cry was definitely something that he didn't expect. Especially not because of a stupid sketchbook. He was about to say some snarky comment before he was stopped by a burning slap on his left cheek. His circular glasses fell on the ground under him.

      "You really think you can be a jujutsu sorcerer acting like a stupid jerk!?" Hima turned and ran away from him, tears had blurred her vision. He had destroyed something so close to her heart, something that defined her. It may seem childish to be upset over some drawings, they weren't even her best works. It was the sketchbook that mattered. It wasn't hers, not all the drawings were hers. It belonged to her mother when she was Hima's age. Her mother had passed away when she was 8 due to a bombing that happened in the hospital where she was born. She kept the sketchbook and began to draw on it because it made her feel closer to her mother. The fact that she had told Satoru not to touch it, and he still went out of his way to ruin her day. She hated him for it.

Satoru felt a slight pain on his chest when he heard what she said. It shook him, but he didn't let it show. He turned, half expecting to still see her standing next to him even though he had heard her run away. But all he saw were tiny drops of water sprinkled on the ground where he had dropped her sketchbook in the fountain. He felt a weird banging on his chest, like he had just stabbed himself in the heart.

The following morning, he didn't hear Hima's voice at all. She wasn't early in the classroom to greet the students. He hasn't seen her ugly red hair. He didn't see her grinning face anywhere. He hadn't heard a single word come out of her irritating voice. He stayed up all night thinking only one thing. How can I save people if I'm a horrible person?

Hima had been avoiding Satoru ever since he ruined her sketchbook. He had called her an exploding rabbit this morning before class started and yet she said nothing. Even his little insults that he'd usually directly throw at her were ignored. It wasn't unusual for them not to talk, after all, they're not really considered as friends. But, no matter what Hima were doing, if Satoru were to insult her, she'd always look for a fight in return. It bothered him that she wasn't paying any attention to him. He didn't realize how often they bickered until it stopped. The more he thought about it, the more it irked him.

Hima couldn't find it in herself to see him. It was lunchtime when Satoru, once again, tried to get her attention. Suguru sat next to Hima as Shoko joked around with him and the rest of the students sitting around the table. A vibrant red head was spotted from the cafeteria doors, and Satoru decided to walk up to the table and slam his tray next to hers. Hima didn't even bat an eye in his direction, she just stopped talking.

      "Oi redhead," he said in his usual giggly manner, "how's your rabbit doin'?"

He thought that this time, it might cause a reaction from her. Make her talk to him again. He was expecting her to stick up for herself like usual. Instead, Hima politely stood up, picked up her tray, and left to sit somewhere else. She didn't even look at him even when she walked past him. It definitely pissed him off to the core. He ate the rest of his lunch sour that day, mainly because Hima wasn't talking to him and he didn't know why it bothered him so much.


First chapter!

i'm very excited about this story! some high school hima-satoru as the first chapter to establish their dynamic and relationship uwu and please please tell me what you guys think<3

ig: rukctara

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