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❝What if we stayed here until we grow old? ❞

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What if we stayed here until we grow old? 

That would be funny.


Kireina Hima received a direct order from the higher-ups to go over to Jujutsu Tech's Tokyo branch for an update regarding the business for Sukuna's vessel. Hima worked in both the Tokyo and Kyoto branch as her job was to inspect both branches and see any faults that may occur. Any major changes within the school goes over her before she reports back to the principal. Being an A-grade will surely pull her in different directions, whether it be exorcising curse spirits or giving lectures to first-years. If she isn't exorcising curse spirits, her base is in Tokyo, so she spends her time as a chaperone to Maki Zenin, Toge Inumaki, and Panda. That was the team she's assigned to help practice for the upcoming exchange event. 

She was confused why a simple phone call wasn't sufficient for whatever update they are about to give her. Even sending a lower-grade messenger would do as well since she received news as vital as Sukuna's vessel through a messenger, so she didn't know why her being physically present should affect anything. To her dismay, she was hearing news about the death of Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji. Shocked about what she was hearing, she was unaware about the details of the situation as the reports weren't fully filled in yet.

Not long after that, Hima went over to the mortuary and was greeted by Shoko outside the room where they held the vessel's body. Shoko opened the cold metal door for her to walk in. She was about to step inside the room before noticing a certain lanky man with white hair, the one she always dread to meet. Gojo satoru was sitting on a metal table while conversing with Ijichi. They both noticed the appearance of both ladies and stopped their conversation.

"Took you awhile, red." Satoru said with a huge grin on his face. Hima didn't know that the reason she was summoned to examine the dead body of Sukuna's vessel was because Satoru had wished for it. Truthfully, a messenger would suffice but for some reason Satoru needed her to come to the school herself.

"Satoru," Hima simply answered in a monotone voice, "The kid's really dead?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Some higher-ups didn't like the idea of Sukuna's vessel out in the open and took advantage of my absence to tactfully dispose of him." Satoru replied with a deeper tone in his voice. Disappointment clearly visible from his posture.

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