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❝Hey, remember when you said you hate me? Look at us now

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Hey, remember when you said you hate me? Look at us now.


"Ugh, I'll have to revise the reports." Shoko grunted as she walked next to Satoru in the halls of the school.

"No, leave them as-is. I want to give Yuuji time to gain the minimum power necessary before he's targeted again. Sorry, Shouko, but could you leave Yuuji listed as dead on the records?" Satoru asked Shouko a favor. They were still walking when Hima had sneaked up on them and silently listened to their conversation. Her steps were gentle so they couldn't hear but she the distance was enough that she could make out heir words perfectly.

"I take my orders from Kireina. Not you, Gojo." Shoko answered bluntly.

"You plan to keep Itadori hidden away?" Hima's voice had outed herself and made the pair that was walking in front of her to turn their heads.

"I'll have him come back in time for the exchange event." Satoru smiled smugly, for two reasons. One, because he thought it would be a great idea to surprise the students about Yuuji being alive. Two, he thought Hima's curiosity was entertaining.

"Why?" Hima questioned, growing impatient by the second.

"No one's allowed to take the events of youth away from young people. Not anyone." He still had his stupid grin on his face which irked Hima even more. She stopped focusing her gaze on him and walked up to Shouko.

"Leave them as-is. Keep this between us, Shouko." Hima ordered.

"I can always count on you, red." Satoru opened both his arms widely showing his way of gratitude. If she didn't know any better, it looked like he was going in for a hug. But, both of them know that was an absurd thought.

"I didn't do it for you, maniac." Hima replied coldly.

Shoko left the two to her office to finish her report before sending it to the higher-ups. Hima and Satoru kept walking around the halls as she took bigger steps to walk in front of Satoru. They used to roam these halls as a student themselves. Now, they protect the kids practicing their powers. She couldn't remember the last time she had been at a close proximity with Satoru before today.

They weren't big on false modesty or unnecessary little catch-up chats. They simply only interacted when it is absolutely necessary. The reasoning wasn't because they didn't have time. But, because they just simply couldn't stand each other. That was what she tried to convince herself. It's really Hima who couldn't stand even the sight of him. But, Satoru himself enjoyed making fun of her. Seeing her gravel at his comments entertained him even more.

"This was the spot where you slapped me, 'member?" Satoru's voice stopped her train of thought, awakening her to reality. Hima looked at her surroundings and saw the water fountain on their right. Of course she remembered the time when he made her weep because of some stupid sketchbook. He never saw her cry before that day and she still regretted ever showing him that side of her since then.

"I'll gladly do it again for old time's sake." Hima shifted her eyes slightly to peek at Satoru but not fully that her body was directing at him. Satoru laughed and that made her feel content. She hated that feeling.


chapter 3 done woop woop

sorry for it being super short i needed to get some fillers out of the way before we get to the itty gritty stuff<3

again pls don't forget to vote if you enjoy the story my loves!!

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