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❝It's finally my day off, yet you won't stop bugging me

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It's finally my day off, yet you won't stop bugging me.


"Red, It wasn't just a Sukuna finger curse. When we investigated the corpses they were bodies that consumed cursed objects! The first years this year are something else, taking out multiple special-grade level curses!"

Hima was currently on a phone call with the one and only, Gojo Satoru. How she got into this point in time, she couldn't explain it. Ever since Sukuna's vessel, cursed spirits, and the school's exchange event, the pair had been exchanging informations left and right. Of course, this was dire business. It's the only reason why Hima would even allow this many form of communication. After all, this was the most that they had interacted every since both they graduated from Jujutsu Tech.

"It's probably thanks to my awesome teaching!"

"You're full of it. Did you call me just to show off?" Hima huffed over the phone.

"Relax. I know it's your day off but can we meet?"

"Only if it's urgent."

"I wouldn't ask otherwise."

"Why are we meeting at some dodgy park? Shouldn't the grounds near school be fine?" Hima frowned and crossed her arms. Why she agreed to meet with the infuriating man wasn't something she knew the reason to. He just said how it's an urgent matter that cannot be disclosed through the phone.

"Well, if we're supposed to find out who's our betraying candidate do you really think talking near school would help solve our case?" Hima's face turned red but thanks to the sky getting darker, the complexion on her face didn't come off as vibrant. But, Satoru noticed it. He always does.

"What is it, then?"

"I'm not sure how much those around Utahime, Meimei, or the rest of Jujutsu Tech's faculties know about this situation. I don't want to assume things but, we need to be open with the possibility that the mole might be one of the students." Satoru sat down on one of the park's benches. He placed his left elbow on the board of the bench. The redhead took a couple of seconds to gather her thoughts.

"That's a horrible thought."

"We should be used to horrible thoughts, don't you think?" Satoru's word hits all the wounds that have yet to fully close. Talks about betrayal was something that both of them, unfortunately, was familiar to. Years have passed since the betrayal of a certain student they used to consider comrades. But, the pain still stings.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬; ᵍᵒʲᵒ ˢᵃᵗᵒʳᵘWhere stories live. Discover now