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"The sheer sight of you might just bring tears down my cheeks

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"The sheer sight of you might just bring tears down my cheeks."


Half an hour after Hima woke up, the two students, gave their reports to the higher-ups, said their goodbyes to Shoko and headed to the star group facility. They hadn't spoken a single word to each other on the way there. There was really nothing they could say to ease any discontent they were feeling right now.

The pair visited many facilities that the star cult owned and finally reached the last one on the list. Suguru opened the front door of the star's cult facility and both students walked right in. The sight that they saw was shocking to say the least. Hima's heart thumped louder than ever. Her eyes were brimming with tears. She can't figure out if they were tears of joy or anger. Must be anger, right?

"He really can't die, can he?" Suguru said to Hima. A hint of smile peered over the boy's lips.

Gojo Satoru, in the flesh, stood 20 feet away from where they stood. He was no longer wearing his dark glasses. His uniform was covered in dirt and dry blood, whether it was his or not, she couldn't tell. He was carrying Riko Amanai's body that was covered by a single sheet of cloth on top of her. Satoru noticed his comrades on the front door and released a sigh of relief.

"You guys are late." Satoru said.

"The star cult owns many buildings in this city after all." Suguru replied as he smiled in relief that his best friend turned out alive.

Hima's feet had been glued to the ground. It seems that's all she's good for. Freezing on the spot. Suguru was walking towards Satoru and offered to carry Riko in his place since he looked like he's in no good condition to carry another person's body. He can barely stand on his own.

"Should we kill these guys? If we do it now, I probably won't feel anything." Satoru mentioned.

"No. As far as I can tell, there's only non-shaman cultists here. They were a problematic organization to begin with so they'll be dismantled soon anyway." Suguru replied. Satoru nodded at Suguru's explanation and quickly averted his gaze to the girl behind his best friend. She was looking at him as if he was some ghost that showed up out of nowhere. If they thought he was dead, he probably did look like a ghost right now.

"You're not blinking, red." Satoru popped her train of thought. Finally, after a long pause, her feet ran fast and ended right in front of the white haired boy. She wasn't thinking clearly. Her arms flung out and reached the back of his neck. Hima burried her face under the crook of his neck and she stayed there awhile, wanting to savior the very essence of his body.

She could hear his heart beat thumped faster and faster almost matching the beats of her heart. Satoru was startled to say the least. Why was the girl that claimed to despise him, running up and hugging him in the middle of a cult building of all places? He wasn't where he should put his hands or even what to say. Before he could move his arm to hold her, the redheaded girl had pulled away. Her face was lighting up red and she had the leftovers of wiped tears at some parts of her chin.

"What was that for?" Satoru asked with a slight hint of smile in his voice. When Hima pulled away from the hug, she realized how dumb she looked while doing so. It was embarrassment at its finest.

"Reflexes." She replied shortly.

"I'm glad we're all fine, but looks like we failed the mission." Suguru's voice spoke up.

"It's not your fault. I messed up." Satoru argued.

"Come on, boys. Let's go back." The redhead said with a gloomy haze on their eyes.


author's note

soft gojohima........ i like it......

this is the second to last flashback chapter until we get into the present timeline!

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