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❝I'm not letting you die on my watch

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I'm not letting you die on my watch.


"So, what is it?" Satoru had pulled Hima aside after the greeting exchange between the Tokyo and Kyoto students. Since the students are prepping their respective teams for the upcoming event, the teacher have a time to sit back and have a somewhat relaxing couple of minutes before the game begins.

"Why are you always mad?" Satoru jokingly asked. Hima always tried to have the give off the same tone when she talked to him yet he never failed to notice whenever it changed, even the tiniest bit. Hima also doesn't know what annoyed her more so today than usual.

"I'm not." She replied.

"Good, cause I haven't done anything," There it is. That's why, "There's someone working with either a curse user or curses at Jujutsu Tech."

"What makes you say that?!" Hima's cold features had turned into a concerning one. Her body fully turning towards Satoru, asking for an elaborate explanation. Even though she has reasons why she doesn't particularly trust every single person at Jujutsu Tech, a betrayal would be the last on her list.

"A lot of them on that level have been popping up lately. They understand curse speech, and they've formed a faction that's operating with purpose. they might think they're just working with a curse user," Satoru's features softened and that unconsciously made Hima's body less tense. Surprisingly, she didn't even catch herself doing that, "I hate to do this again but... I'd like to ask you to investigate things at Kyoto, Hima."

Hima. That was the name he picked. Hima. Satoru only ever calls her Hima when he is either concern or absolutely serious or both. That is when Hima realized how dire the situation really is. If she didn't know any better, it really looked like he was begging her to be on his side.

"You're the only one who operates between Tokyo and Kyoto branch."

"I'm not the only one." Hima argued.

"The only one that I trust," She hated when he does things like this. She hated his guts yet she always listened to him. She hated his guts yet she respects him. She gates hits guts yet never doubted him. Questioned him and his methods, of course. But, never doubt. And that is another reason for her to spite him, "After the exchange event you'll be assigned back to Kyoto. From there, we'll exchange any information we've acquired from our investigation. Do not share this information to anyone else. Keep this between us."

"It didn't cross your mind that you might be talking to a traitor right now?" Hima blatantly said to him.

"Huh? You?" Satoru asked. His tone completely caught off guard. The shocked expression and his concerned face soon replaced with his usual humorous grin. Satoru started laughing so hard he had to bent his stomach, holding it with his free hand while the other hand held a cup of green tea. The thought of Hima betraying Jujutsu Tech and the people in it was completely out of the question. That is why Satoru thought her comment was hilarious.

"What's so funny?! I'm serious!" She said loudly.

"Of course you are. You always are. I told you you'll get wrinkles soon– oh wait," Satoru stopped talking and leaned closer to Hima, making her jolt back in response. His fingers travelled closely to her left cheeks near the bags of her eye and, again, she didn't notice how her breathing had stopped abruptly at how close he is, "I can already see it. Your wrinkles."

Hima furiously threw her cup that's still filled with green tea and directing it straight to Satoru. The moment his soft side shows, he always has to ruin it by making unnecessary comments and never, ever, taking her seriously. Another reason why she spites him.

"Scary redhead! Hysterics won't win men, you know."

"Piss off!"

The teachers from both Tokyo and Kyoto branches were gathered inside a room with 3 screens placed in front of the group. Three screens were used to view the ongoing exchange event that was about to start in a few minutes. Hima was sat in the front row near the far right of the room. While, Satoru picked a seat that was 3 chairs away from her left. The two hadn't exchanged any words since Meimei walked in on her throwing Satoru her cup of tea. It wasn't long when Satoru picked up a mic on the table layed in front of them and placed it in front of his mouth to announce the students that the event was about to begin.

"We're starting in one minute!" Satoru said through the mic that was sent through the field to both the Tokyo and Kyoto teams. The event was about to start and everyone was very eager to see how the event would play out.

"Now, let's hear a few words of encouragement from our beloved teacher, Kireina Hima!" Before Hima could say no, Satoru placed the microphone in front of her mouth and she flipped her middle finger off to him to show her annoyingness, yet again.

"Uh... Everyone! Please make sure to follow all the procedures and rules given to you. Don't uh... don't fight amongst your team and focus your energy on the other team–"

"Time's up!" Satoru retracted his hand that was holding the mic before she could finish her speech and her head ticked. He loved making her feel edgy and she could not stand his little games.

"You runt!" Satoru ignored her comment and went straight to talk to the students again.

"Now, let the sister school exchange event... begin!" Satoru placed the mic down and looked to his right. He can see how red Hima had gotten, matching the color of her hair. She purposely moved both her knees to the right to move away from him. It was a childlike action that was very petty but she couldn't help it, "Calling me runt doesn't makes sense, you know. Runt mean small."

"It also means weak."

A smile crept up on his lips seeing how funny it is that it only took him the least thing to do to make her so angry. But, if they could see his eyes, they were laced with so much adoration. Let's just say it was his luck that people couldn't see his blue eyes.

"Hey," She felt his finger poked her left cheek but she didn't budge. She just continued to ignore him, "Didn't I say I could see your wrinkles?"

"Piss. off."


Chapter 5 done boys n girlz!

hima open your eyes! gojo is LITCH-RALLY flirting with u girl

the way both of them are so dumb but we all need a bit of stupid slowburn ship am i right??

again! don't forget to vote if you enjoy contrasting colors<33

ig: rukctara

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