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"Your face was the one I wanted to conjure

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"Your face was the one I wanted to conjure."


After being separated, Hima, Fushiguro, and Itadori are now in the middle of their own battle after they found the source of the casters. Two cursed users fell from on top of Shibuya tower. One landed not far from Itadoru and Fushiguro. The other one fell only inches away from where Hima was standing.

Hima was up against a girl that looked fairly small compared to the sorcere. The curse user had long black hair that fell down to her ankles. Eyes as dark as void. For a small body like that, the curse energy Hima felt from the girl was massive. It might even be bigger than hers. Hima was truthfully very concerned at how Fushiguro and Itadori might be struggling right about now. But, she doesn't have time to pay them any mind. Hima has to put her trust to the boys in order to defeat her opponent. Her only priority is to quickly win this fight, find Satoru, and break the seal.

The brave redhead dodged every single attack that the tiny girl kept directing at her. She hadn't used her implosion technique yet to gain momentum over the opponent as well as conserving her cursed energy. Although, the hits she was receiving was also very average for a curse user that emits a humongous amount of curse energy. It must be a mere farce to conceal the girl's own curse technique as well.

"What's your end goal, hmm? You're really that afraid of a man that wears cloth as glasses?" Hima questioned.

"We were free," she began, clenching her fists and finally opening both her eyes, "Jujutsu sorcerers had their hands full with increasing number of curses. Us, curse users, were free to selfishly make all the money we can. Then, a child who possesses six eyes were born into the Gojo family. It's like a seemingly unbeatable track-and-field record gets broken or when figure skaters suddenly have to add more spins to their jumps due to a single athlete's prowess. When Gojo Satoru was born, the balance of the world was altered, and freedom was taken from us."

"Sorry 'bout this but," Hima rolled the sleeves of her shirt and tucked the falling hair that was starting to fall out of her ponytail before continuing her sentence, "that's a stupid answer."

"You wouldn't understand it. You think that by being a jujutsu sorcerer, you're protecting people? What child-like mind. Be honest and admit it to yourself. You're only doing it to save your own skin." The girl finished her sentenced before her onyx eyes changed color into a hue that was similar to that of a fuchsia color.

In a mere second, the girl was right behind Hima and she felt a slight tap of the back of her shoulder. Hima was quick to react and jumped away from where she stood. She was never a good at close range combat, so having distance was her only advantage and she made sure to keep having that distance. The sorcerer thought she got away from the curse user's attack when she saw a glowing pink light on her left wrist. On it were some ancient letterforms that she didn't recognize.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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