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❝Are you saying you're worried?❞

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Are you saying you're worried?

Don't be stupid.


In the middle of observing each fights that the students' been creating amongst themselves, suddenly, all the paper that was linked to the curse spirits they put on the field had been burned red. All of them burnt red. Everyone turned their heads towards their right and observed the sight of burned curse spirits.

"Huh? The game's over? and they all burned red? That's odd." Utahime thought loudly.

"I'd love to say that great teacher Gojo's students exorcised them all, but..." Satoru began.

"I trained them." Satoru's sentenced was overlapped by Hima's stern voice. The Tokyo students were as much Hima's students as they are Satoru's. Even if Fushiguro and Kugisaki weren't under her chaperone, but Satoru wasn't exactly available at the time. Especially, since she trained and prepped them in absence of the great teacher Gojo.

"Right.. great teachers Gojo and Kireina's students." Satoru joked.

"If they all burned red it may mean..." Hima ignored Satoru's comment and addressed the situation to the group.

"The charms also burn red for unregistered cursed energy." Principal Yaga continued.

"You think it's an outsider?" Utahime questioned.

"Does this mean Tengen's barrier isn't functioning?" Meimei added another question.

"Whether it's an outsider or not. Something unexpected is happening." Pincipal Gakuganji finally spoke up.

"Utahime, you go with me to check on Tengen. Mei, you stay here and identify the locations of the students. Stay in contact with the rest. Principal Gakuganji, Gojo, Kireina, please protect the students." Principal Yaga ordered.

"Of course." Hima replied.

"Fully understood. I look forward to the bonus." Mei said slyly.

"Gramps, come on. Time for a walk!" Satoru exclaimed loudly towards the principle.

Satoru, Hima, and principal Gakuganji ran out the room and heads towards the veil that was closing down in an incredibly rapid strength. Hima was running on the grounds of the school not too far ahead from the principal. While, Satoru ran on of the roof's of the school's building.

"Gojo! You go on ahead before the veil comes down!" Hima screamed trying not to lose her breath.

"No, not happening." Answered the lanky white haired man.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬; ᵍᵒʲᵒ ˢᵃᵗᵒʳᵘWhere stories live. Discover now